H.R. 3200 - know the facts

But you see, if they can get it passed over the objection of the people, the people will learn to like it after a while. I actually heard a Democrat talking head say that on TV today.

The Democrats have dropped all pretense of "doing what the people want" and are openly stating that they know better than us what's good for us.

I hardly recognize my country anymore.
Well maybe O's was the best thing that could have happened to the USA. Now a lot of democrats and independents plus some borderline republicans got a good look at what the democratic party is all about. With the Brown win in the heart of a democratic stronghold kind of signals that the citizenry is fed up and don't want the creeping socialism the democrats have been pushing for the last XX years.
Well, for one thing, that version of things has changed since August of 2009. BUT, that doesn't mean it changed for the better!

With democrats insistent on negotiating and formulating legislation behind closed doors, it is no surprise that voters are up in arms. We, the people, know that the ONLY reason to keep legislative processes secret is to PREVENT the people from knowing and being able to present dissenting arguments.

If many of the provisions in the video are included in a final version of the bill, and if that bill passes into law, expect constitutional challenges!! Add to that the FACT that such a sneak attack (not a very good sneak either) on freedom will result in a 2012 voter rebellion like the dems have NEVER seen before.

I think that voter revolt needs to happen no matter what. Vote every single sitting senator and congressman out at the earliest opportunity! Even the few good ones. The message must be sent.
Totally agree. If we don't we will be headed for another revolution and I am not thinking anything but a shooting one. Hopefully not but they are asking for that. Americans will not give up the constitution or the freedoms we enjoy. We must make it absolutely clear that if you don't like the freedoms that true americans enjoy, then leave my great country.
The French criticized us for going to Haiti, the [beeep] don't realize they would be speaking German if we had not saved their asses not once but twice. Venezuela, Chavez also criticized us as occupying Haiti, and he sent 1 whole plane to help. I am fed up with where our country is headed, the apologies for being arrogant and doing what is right and the kissing that African Obama has been doing. He ran on a platform of change and brothers change is coming, not is socialist change either, changes in our gov't