

New member
Could someone please give me some info....I have the phantom predator call, could someone give me a few tips on calling sequences, I have used just a constant "rabbit in distress" a combination of rabbit in distress & crow gathering, to no avail. How long should I continuously call...or how often should I cycle thru the series...etc etc etc...any help would be greatly appreciated, I live in the pacific northwest (washington state) Western.

Ive had luck with the Rabbit Distress using it the same way I use a hand call. Eastern Montana is mainly open country with lots of badlands so I go right to full volume, start with 2 or 3 sequences in a row then wait 2 or 3 minutes and do another one. Ill do this for 15 or 20 minutes before I move on. This has worked for me day and night. Hope it helps out.
I use the phantom e caller alot and have had some good luck with it. I generally start out with the rabbit distress for a minute or so. Then ill start overlapping rabbit distress and fawn or felin, I use full volume until I see something approaching then I gradually take the volume down as the yote moves closer. I have had the best luck with overlapping the rabbit distress with the rabbit distress or using the rabbit distress in conjunction with a mouth blown rabbit distress. Everyone has their own way its just a matter of taking everyones advise and come up with something that works for you. What doesnt wpork one day may work the next so its a matter of constant adjustment to the situations but it will work for you just give it time. Good luck.
Brad H & yote hunter....thanks a mill. Sounds like I have been doing pretty close to the right things...I will give the double rabbit a whirl...Brad...I used to live in Shelby and Sweetgrass, how far away from there are you?
wolftracker...Shelby would be about 4-500 miles west of here. Im 30 miles from the ND border. Thats beauitfull country though. Every time I go to Kalispell I cant help but look around and notice all the good callin country...but thats second nature by now.