lure makeing


New member
i have been makeing my own lures for a few years and have a few good ones for yotes. looking to add a new one to my trap line to mix it up. anyone have any mixtures that i could try? thanks
coons lure easy the number one thing i think with coons is the colder it is the louder the lure or scent should be. take fish or claims put them in a jar with lid loose and let rot. to that add 1 beaver caster and one beaver oil sac and 10 drops of anise oil. mix it up well and it should bring in any coons in or around your sets. also to switch it up you can save the scent sacs of the coons you catch and add them to the scent. if you trap coons in areas were there is a chance you mite catch house cats use a sweet smelling lure. i use vanilla, anise oil, and cherry coolaid powder mix togather. it helps keep cat from messing around your sets.
if you have the ability to age some ground meat underground for 30 days i love ogormans montana bait solution. taint 1 gallon of ground or chunked meat (i use either beaver or bobcat)for 30 days underground. dig up, mix in one pint of the above mentioned solution and viola. it stops the taint by preserving the meat and adds some goodie smells such as beaver castor, rat glands, and skunk jizz.

i make at least 1 gal each year whether or not i am going to get a chance to use it and run out every year as if i dont use it buddies steal it off me. works great on cats, yotes, fox and ive had enough wolves visit sets to know it will work on them as well. when it is all mixed up i leave it in the 5 gal bucket for 5-6 more days mixing it well once per day. then i simply place it into 10 oz plastic bait containers and seal them with a couple wraps of black electrical tape and place them in a different clean 5 gal bucket and seal the lid. for the most part i believe this gets better with age, so i make it 1 year ahead of when im going to use it and let it sit in the bucket till the next season.

it will remain pliable and useable down to about 0 degrees F, but you can add an antifreeze and a little more skunk jiz to make it work down well below -20/-30 F.

another great LDC which can easily be made is to melt down 1 pint of vaseline either in the microwave or dbl boiler. while that is melting (takes like 8 minutes in the microwave) you can add 1/2 oz pure skunk quill to ea 4 oz GLASS widemouth lure container. When the vaseline is melted simply pour enough into each GLASS container to fill it up, leaving 1/4" air space. Put the covers on and run a couple wraps of black electrical tape over the cover/container seal to trap in the lovely smell, then immediately shake like crazy and place in the freezer. you want it to solidify asap to elliminate any seperation. every 10-15 min take them out, shake like crazy and invert it 90 deg in the freezer. when it is solid take out and its ready to use right away. this is a very powerful ldc so use it accordingly and dont haul it in the cab of your truck!

there are better bases than vaseline, but for the most part vaseline will work as well so why spend more.

I do about the same thing for making my LDC except that when I catch a skunk I will render the fat down use the lard as a base. I then put 2-3cc in a small baby food jar and fill the remainder with the rendered grease. It will stay solid below about 40 degrees. Like you said - It's quite strong and you can get a lot out of one skunk. I've gotten about a quart of grease from one skunk and if he doesn't let loose when dispatched, I've gotten a little over 35cc of the juice out of the pods.
interesting Jack, i may have to try that one for fun.

i use wooden clothes pins to apply the ldc as well. simply dip one of the springloaded pins into the lure, then clip it on a branch. keeps where i put it and i dont get yellow finger!
i use vaseline and skunk quill with a little beaver caster mixed in for my fisher lure and have trapped a few yote by putting a dirt hole set on the back side of my pole tree. really like the the bait solution you posted. getn ready to do some beaver snaring and i am gona try to make some up thanks for posting that. do you know were i could buy some viola. i normally use gliceren would that work.
Off topic:

I am trying to make a post but can't figure out how to make my own post on here. Pretty bad at tech for being young. If anyone can help wit that, much obliged.

My question/post:

Made my first beaver lure last night. Nothing fancy. Jus wanted a start. Went wit a pretty routine base recipe I've seen in my research. Castor sacs, oils, veg glycerine, 100 proof vodka, maple syrup, and some nutmeg.

This morning after settling in the Mason all night the was a clear-ish liquid settled on top. Curious what it may be? I think I used a sckosh too much vok so I'm assuming it's vok that settled out? Not willing to take a shot of it to find out, ha! Any knowledge or info is greatly appreciated. Again, apologies for not having my own post for this!
Welcome to PM, CA.

Nothing wrong w/reviving a 10 year old thread. Since I'm not a trapper, I can't help w/your question, but if you want to start a new thread, open the correct forum, "Trapping & Fur Handling" in this case, look at left side of 3rd line down and you will find the "New Topic" and post away.
