How Reversing Biden's Anti Fossil Fuel Agenda Could Solve US & Foreign Crises


Staff member
Just a couple of the Biden crises which could be resolved by restoring our Trump energy self-sufficiency:

* Putin's Invasion of Ukraine

Quote:Rogov wrote how investing in infrastructure and social spending would be difficult if revenues dropped to the levels of 2015 and 2020 when the average oil price was just $47 a barrel and external income was just $330 billion and $340 billion respectively.

"If export revenues were to dip to $350 billion, Putin would be unlikely to continue the war given the dual burden of military expenditure and high social spending to maintain domestic stability."

* Record Consumer Prices Spikes in the US spurred by record fuel prices

Fuel costs (transportation) have/has direct effect on prices you pay for everything you buy.

* Hamas invasion of Israel enabled by Biden's 6 Billion dollar ransom paid to Iran (sponsor of Hamas & Russia both).
Quote:The $6 billion is still currently held in a Qatari bank account with U.S. Treasury oversight, I’m told. The money came from Iranian oil sales to South Korea and did not include U.S. taxpayer dollars.

If it is true that the $6 billion has not yet been released, the Biden administration should immediately freeze the funds again, since Iran has renigged on the agreement. Sanctions should also be renewed on Iran's oil sales.

Such a simple fix for so many serious issues is seemingly impossible to overlook.
they wouldnt know a good idea - at least good as in beneficial to the average US citizen - if it bit them in the @$$ on a daily basis.

if they wanted to benefit the average US citizen, we wouldnt be here talking about reversing policies to begin with.

as is, if it doesnt benefit their grift and corruption - and their agenda to destroy the foundations this country is built on - they really dont seem to give a sh!t at all.