politicans ?


New member
Is it really the politicians who suck or is the people who elect them. Sometimes over and over for years.

Is it even possible to get a good honest man to run for office.

Sometimes it seems like our system has run it's course.But there is nothing wrong with the system as laid out. It's the best system ever.

People who think free stuff is actually free are going to destroy the best bet man has ever had.

When it comes right down to it if you have something to eat and a dry bed to sleep in you are pretty well off.

If you don't think so try going to sleep hungry in a wet bed.
I.M.H.O., America has moved too far away from being a democratic republic and too close to being a pure democracy. We have moved ever closer to going the way of ancient Greece and France following it's disastrous French Revolution.

The following is from: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/1259556/posts

"A 1993 Merriam-Webster's definition of "democracy" is: "the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges." Yet today, "democratic" America is riven by class distinction, class envy, and race warfare, and all of it has been deliberately created and fomented by "liberal" (closet communist) Democrats in order to facilitate their personal possession of political power! Not a single day passes today but some Democrat politician somewhere deliberately agitates the masses in class envy, ethnic envy, race envy, etc. — all in the name of "democracy" which, by their modern definition, forbids the very sociopolitical condition they advocate."
The blue hives have been doing the same things over and over for decades. Voting themselves into complete dependence and ruin by people who DO NOT give two s%$#* about them at all.

Modern liberalism is a complete psychotic disconnect from reality.
