Finally broke a dry spell


New member
Work has been busy and I haven't gotten out much. Did get to take my 13 year old son one weekend and we called in a double but nothing went right. He was on the shotgun and had one coming right to him but I was looking at one to my right and had to stand up to try to get a shot over a terrace and scared his coyote and then missed mine as it ran off.
Went out tonight and tried a spot near my house that I have leased. Left my truck on the side of the road and went in to a deer stand about 100 yards off the road. There is a 20 yard wide screen of cedars and briares along the road that you can't see through. Nothing came in and I was walking out and almost to the road when I hear someone honk several times near my truck. A car came by and I got a rough description but thought nothing of it till I got closer to the truck and saw my gas cap was hanging loose and my wiper was pulled up away from the window. Could see where he had stopped behind my truck and got out but I could not tell if anything was put into my gas tank. I figure it is either an anti hunter or someone who thought I was on trespassing. I was parked on the opposite side of the road from my lease. So much for good neighbors.
Went to another spot and got there just at sundown. I'd never called it before and walked in blind. The only place where the grass was low enough to see one was where they had been feeding the cattle. I set the foxpro up in the middle of a round bale feeder so the cows couldn't mess with it and sat down on a log in a brush pile to give me a little elevation about 75 yards from the feeder. There was very little wind. Did some howling on the Red Desert to start then started the aggressive jack rabbit. After about 10 minutes, I switched to coyote pup distress for 30 seconds and then switched to cottontail. By this time the cattle had gathered around me so I could not see the call so I stood up to watch over their backs. After a couple minutes of the cottontail, I notice a coyote standing next to the bale feeder but he was looking away from the call, which was playing constantly. It turned out to be a large male and I think he was more intent to find that other coyote than to get the rabbit. I had to shoot offhand over the cows backs but got lucky and made a good shot with the little .17 Remington. I am not a very good offhand shooter. I waited till it got too dark to see and then went to get the coyote. When I started moving, one started barking to the South of me and one to the North...both sounded to be within 200 yards but it was too dark to pick them out. Oh well, left some for seed. This was the first one I got with the call since new years weekend. I still have not seen a bobcat this year. It has been the best year I have ever had for coyotes but the worst for cats.
Congrats, sounds like a great shot, offhand over livestock. Way to stick out the dry spell, now you can start stackin them up.