how far can coyotes see at night


New member
im sure much better than humans can, but lets say its out in an area of pastures and trees along the fences on a near-moonless night. im sitting on the edge of the pasture, how far away do you think they can see ?
This is a tough question. I once asked this question to a great coyote hunter from Flagstaff once and he told me he wasn't real sure. But he thought that they could see just as far as we can.

But I am not sure this is really the case, I really expect they can see a long ways. I have watched my dog around the house at night and she can see a rabbit or coyote in the open field where as they are not visible to me.
I think Because of the series of cones and bars that make up their eyes, they gather a lot more light and can see a LOT further than us at night. During the day, probably not too much different than us.
From my experiences hunting with the Grand Wizard of Coyote Killing the Honorable Randy Watson I've deduced the following...Coyote's have just as good night vision as they do in the day time..Moon phases are also a big factor..just try to keep'em upwind as best as you can, cuz when they start heading over..Coyote1 Dumb Hunter 0..good luck