coyote travel patterns?


New member
ok, when locating coyotes this time of year(breeding season).. at night and you get them to respond what are the chances of those coyotes being in the same area the next morning.. how far away might they be??

ive had coyotes respond to my calls sometimes every night for two or three evenings and then try to call them the next morning and see nothing..
i know they just might not like my music that morning but what are the chances those coyotes are still within range or have they traveled off a mile or so? or more.

most of my locating is done between 6-10 pm so i know there will be a difference compared to 3-5 a.m.
Great info YellowHammer, I have also wondered the same thing the Nightwatchman is asking, particularly during the breeding time of year, once a pair has hooked up do they stay close to a dening area to mark and defend it, or do they range?