Any Opposums

7 Days

New member
I was just thinking about all the roadkill opposums I see, and was wondering if anyone has ever had one come to a call at night?

I went night calling for the first time a couple days ago in my friends backyard and we had an opossum run by about 10 feet in front of us. I don't know if he was coming to the call or just happened to go by. We didn't have any guns with us because it's illegal in Oklahoma. We just wanted to see what would come in.
i had one come in once to a gobbler in distress. he came sneakin in so i guess thats what he was lookin for. we hit him with the light an he got that deer in the headlight look an just turned around an left a lil quicker than he came. looks kinda funny on my part cause thats the only thing ive managed to call in!
I have them come in to bait piles while hunting for deer. I skewer them quite regularly. I don't think they come to a call because they are marsupials and aren't bright enough to put the sound=food through their pea brain.
I've had them come in a couple times. They went for me, not the speaker which was weird. Guess they're stupid, and I just waved them off.