THIS elk had a short tail, but REALLY big teeth!


New member
Sunday morn had time for one stand before being called to work... Called this one in with a Sceery open-reed Elk call. So far all the elks I've called with these elk calls have haven't had any antlers, and I've been able to pick all of them up with one hand. I thought elks were supposed to be great big darned things. I don't think Sceery's elk calls work.

Go Desertfox! Do you call a lot of badgers in? I've never called one or even seen one except along a road. I do see evidence of them some around western Oklahoma.
I've been hoping to call one in for a long time i see the holes and evidence of them all over but i never seem to call one in or even see them in pastures i would like a badger pelt on the wall!

"Aim small = miss small"