Primos Randy Anderson Ki Yi Call???


New member
Thinking of getting one of these. Would love to hear some feedback on it. Good, bad, the works. Thanks.
I got the KiYi because the Lil Dog set worked for me. It is a dual call and at first I had difficulty getting it to work well. After practice it came into play when my wife missed a coyote. A little yipping brought the dog to a stop for a second shot kill. After that we have stopped several wary ones for a good shot.
Well if I were to get one, I would get it new. They go on ebay for $12-$13. Thanks for the offer though Bryan. Anymore thoughts?
buy a custom from one of the fine call makers on this board you will get a much better product if you do the homework!
I really like the call. With the reed protector off, it makes excellent canine distress sounds, and if you leave it on, it makes great calf bawls, fawn bawls, and if you want to really get on it, it is one of the loudest, coarsest jackrabbit calls you could ask for. Maybe mine is the exception, but I really like it. I have used it in some really cold weather, and never had it lock up either.
I got one with mastering art video but dont care for it or maybe havent gave it much of a chance either,my little brother hasd one an he loves it so it all depends on the guy behind the call imo.....
i use one and like it. when i call with it everyone asks me what it is and where to get one. it is a versitile call. loud and raspy. protects the reed when on lanyard. i shot a coyote yesterday in wyoming using it.

Story posted in the club house under WY hunt. called with KiYi

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I gave mine away also. It does to good ki-yi's but the distress sound has a weird tone at least to my ear. But I think Drago has it right. If you use it, get used to it and have confidence in it, it will work just fine for you.
Get a custom call from a guy here on the board. there are several fine call makers here and they will even customize them to your needs. I heard that Arky Yoter is producing a good all and bearmanic has some really awesome calls as well.