Jim Shocky Tripods


Wondering if these are any good?
I don't want anything heavy as Ican't handle a lot more weight.
Thank you.
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Don't know about this brand but have been using a Leofoto 284 for a few weeks and like it. Lightest I could find.
They are really light and allow for adjusting to different heights/angles quickly. However, if calling coyotes to you, most people have time to set up. I would recommend something more stable. They can also be a little noisy. I tried one a few times and after a few misses on coyotes decided a sturdier tripod was suited for calling coyotes.

I still do use one for backyard animal control. Shots need to be quick and from all types of heights and angles.
I have the tall Primo and short primos tripods. They are expensive and more heavier than sticks or some of the others. But they work great and are quick setup with any type terrain. I just change my seat, and tripod, considering on the vegetation and where I go. I like the tripod because if I am in thick stuff or in big Rock area I can leave the tripod standing and still take a shot to the sides if needed.
I’ve had all generations of the Primos bi and tri pods. I have the short tripod with a primos wide yoke for my wider forearm on my rifle chassis.the latest one works the best and is very steady.