First dog of the season for me… big Massachusetts male 44 lbs

Went to the farm I originally planned to hunt and the wind was all wrong . So I packed up and went to another piece of property about 2 miles away . I walked in set up , and started the call on squirrel distress at 6 volume for 1:30 . Silent for 45 seconds . Turned it up to 13 and went to mrs mccottantail . At 2:50 this big male came busting out of the thick over grown field to my rite just as I planned . He was about 130 yards out so I shouldered the savage 270. He was on a full blown sprint. I muted the call and he came running in to 35-40 yards wish I could have switched to the shotgun but I was already committed to the rifle . I lip squeaked to stop him and only had head and neck sticking out behind q tree so I let him have it rite in the top of the head

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Congrats on a BIG BOY !!!

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It was such an awesome hunt . Wish I could switched the shotgun and got my second shotgun dog . But the way he closed the distance from 200 to 30 yards he was running head on staining rite at me . So I thought it I moved to grab the shotgun he woulda picked me out and took off . Had nothing but a head and neck shot at 30 yards with the rifle . Not ideal lol but it got done