
Last night I got coyote #3 (another male) with the Pulsar Apex XQ38 and 6.5 Grendel shooting a Sierra 100 gr. HP. I assume it was the same coyote that visited the night before. My son's trail camera got two coyotes about 150 yards behind the cabin the day before, so there is at least one more about.

A bobcat appeared first and was at the bait site when a coyote showed up. The coyote was reluctant to go to the bait; didn't like the idea of the cat, so he acted like he was going to leave, He stopped and looked toward the cat which gave me a good opportunity.

At the shot he jumped and ran down hill toward the cabin. Distance was about 70 yards, guessing. I shot again and rolled him, though I didn't see a hit on his body. Can't figure that one. Maybe I hit where the first shot exited, but don't know where the second exit was, if there was an exit. The first shot hit a tad low and just behind the right shoulder, and exited on the lower belly. Amazing how much stamina they can have.

The bobcat ran when I shot the coyote, but returned later in the morning.






Good one there 6!

Originally Posted By: crazyyoteC'mon bait killers!! Need some more good stories and videos. Good luck

I'm trying. Got 3 on the trail cams last night (all at the same time) so hopefully soon!

Had 3 come in to the bait pile last night. Had to pick one. The FLIR Scion picked them up coming in from the right side so I got on the gun. The first one came out of the woods and then got spooked and moved out of sight to the left. Number 2 came in and then immediately turned around and retreated about 10 feet to the edge of the woods. Not sure what spooked him. Perhaps the trail cams that were going off or he sensed something was amiss. Anyway, I decided to take him instead of waiting. DRT on the spot when the 60gr VMAX hit. Number 3 was directly behind him. Was hoping to get both with one shot but the bullet never exited the one I shot. Waited about 20 minutes in case the other 2 might come back to investigate but they never did. They’ll be back eventually.

Here's a view from my shooting spot with arrow pointing to the bait area






Laid him to rest next to a couple of his buddies

Nice one Burnsome..Getting lots of videos of gray and red foxes,skunks,possums, raccoons but not any yotes. I hear them but not showing up on pile yet. I got a feeling though with this new bait I put out yesterday they will be soon there. Dan
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Well my friend's boss's freezer got unplugged and alot of it started to thaw before he knew what happened. So he asked me if wanted it for bait..I said yes bring it over..There was every kind of meat in there.. Pork chops, Sirloin steak,wild haddock chicken breasts and fillets bacon, Venison he had butchered from last year..I am talking over 300 lbs. easy..Well I had an extra empty freezer and put all the meat in it and it filled it to the top..That's my bait for a very long time..I put some venison,steak, haddock, chicken breasts and sausage out. So got a nice variety out there.. It's a shame it all went to waiste... But I will use it..Dan
That sounds like just what you can use for bait for sure Krockus. Should work very well.

I'm still putting out 'ol roy dry dog food and now adding a bit of chicken broth strewn around. Seems like I've seen more of them since trying the chicken broth a couple of weeks ago. My wife picks it up cheap at the dollar store and it lasts a long time. The coons certainly like it. I have 7-8 come in every night and hit it early. By the time the yotes come in there's very little left.
Krockus, sounds like you hit the "Bait Pile Bonanza". Should keep you supplied for quite a while. I'm still surrounded by yet to be harvested soybeans here. Not much going on except foxes every night.

Burn, I used to have pretty good success with Ol' Roy when I first got started baiting.

Should be about time for GobblerGetter to come back in the thread. We've been rooting for GG to get that coyote that keeps teasing with the occasional visit. Not sure when Maryland's fox season opens though.
Burnsome do you use liquid broth or the powder used to make it? Seems the powder would have a stronger odor for longer range callins.

Crazyyote, it has been very quiet here after I got those three last month. This is pretty much the norm for me each year. September is generally a very good month for me, then activity seems to drop for a while, with only an occasional coyote from here to Christmas, then picks back up in January and February, and into March.

My son’s trail camera that is about 150 yards behind my cabin got a coyote photo the first day or two of October, but it didn’t come to my bait site. Haven’t seen it since. He may be making a curcuit and hopefully will return soon. For now it’s very slow, though a bobcat did visit two nights ago. More than likely it’s the same cat in my earlier video.