Boar and a BAR


Staff member
Went to check cameras this morning. Walking in before daylight I heard hogs spook near my feeder, but when the feeder went off 20 minutes later the corn barely hit the ground before a herd of about 18 were one it. I picked out the biggest and the Creedmoor barked.

Was bigger than I thought and was surprised to find out it had been cut. Put him on ice when I got home.

Went by another feeder and about 6 smalls one there, but didn't want to drive in pick up a little one.

One the way to my other stand, I had to pass by a friend of mines and there were some big hogs there. I backed up and slipped out the rifle. They didn't leave but were wary. Finally the big boar gave me a hole to shoot through and the Creedmoor barked again.


Loaded both on my hitch hauler and carried them home because I wanted to try out my new scale.

It worked like a charm.

So you think you are a good judge of weighing a hog?

I weighed both and will let you guess.

dumped the boar and kept hams, straps and shoulder on the bar to make sausage.
Some people trap or catch them with dogs and castrate to have a good eating hog later. I know they have done that on adjacent property but not ours
There were not a lot of guesses, but as I expected they were all high.

I have said it many times, the people that tell you they killed 300 pounds hogs usually didn't actually weigh them. They have some story like, "I'm 6'2" and 240......."

The bar was 180, and the boar was 197.

I'm not saying there are not any 300 pound hogs, but I am saying there are not as many as people claim. I've had several myself that I would have bet money were over 300 pounds, but the scale said otherwise.
Wow I was way off,,,,, We have a scale at the Ranch. I haven’t been able to shoot a big hog this year. I sure don’t think we have any 300 Lb hogs. Too many 40-60 lb range.
Good shooting anyway. Also how accurate do you feel the tape measure around the girth works?