When Coyotes Won't Come To You


Well-known member
I killed this one tonight. I've tried to call this coyote twice and it just ignores the call. So after the stand tonight I could see him hunting in a field about 800 yds. away. I drove around to where he was, and shot him from the highway.

I just propped across my toolbox on the truck. Had to make a Texas heart shot as he was getting out of Dodge, but got enough in him to put a finishing shot on it. Couldn't get to it to take a picture since there was a big canal alongside the highway that I couldn't cross. Humidity was very high and the thermal was not very good tonight.

Here is the video:
I didn't have time to get everything adjusted like I normally would on a stand. It was pretty much point and shoot propped across the toolbox of my truck. I've made some fairly long shots with just the 2.8 native mag. on the Apex out to about 250 yds., but beyond that and the PIP makes it easier.