Sounds from Predator Tactics - Good or Bad?


New member
What do y'all think about the Predator Tactics sounds - are they quality sounds that are effective? I mainly use Tony Tebbe sounds along with some of my old standards from FoxPro. I'm sorta interested in trying out some new sounds but I don't know a thing about these guys' sounds.

IF you have had good success with their sounds, which ones do you recommend? This late, I'm looking for breeding season sounds, some unique/successful distress sounds and some sounds good for denning season.

There are plenty of Tony's sounds that I haven't even run yet so I can use those for my 'new' sounds; and I'm fine with that. Anyone else's sounds I should be considering or just stick with TT and FoxPro?
I have their red fox rounds, they are crisp and clear with no real background noise. Not the loudest (volume) compared to some other. I would say if you like the clip on their website, give it a try.
Check out BOSS acoustics and M.F.K. (made for killing), they both have some good sound files.
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