Number 44


Well-known member
This morning was 16F with a southwest breeze which would be ideal to sit and watch the slough bottoms near a farm site.
Set up south of the slough bottoms and east of the usual coyote trails. Shortly after reaching my destination I see a coyote to the northwest, however this coyote cuts west into the trees and I never see it again.
Ten minutes later a single is making it’s southward journey across the field which looks promising but it cuts to the southeast and catches my scent before I get a shot off.
As I watch this coyote lope away, I notice 3 other coyotes traveling south and I switch my attention to them. The coyotes are directly north of me but suddenly turn around and run back to the safety of the reeds. It’s then I notice the breeze is now out of the south.
No use sitting here any longer and alerting every coyote in northern territory , so I pack up and start the half mile walk back to the truck. My feet covered a couple hundred yards east but my eyes were mostly focused to the north. I thought I could see something moving along the reeds way to the north and sure enough, the binoculars confirmed my suspicion of two coyotes. With a hill between us, I could just see them but I still moved to lower ground to hide my presence. With the aid of the binoculars I kept an eye on what they were up to. The one coyotes lays down and looked to be soaking up the early morning sunrays. The second coyote sits down a few feet away from it’s partner and it’s then I decide to make a stalk on them.
With the sun at my back and a hill as cover, away I go. The last hill is crested with me scooting along on my knees to get that extra bit of advantage.
My view from where I shot at the coyote on the slough.

I get a range of the reeds behind the coyotes of 254 yards and notice both coyotes are now laying down. Both are positioned almost facing me and I pick the one that is slightly more broadside. Zoom up the scope, then touch off a shot which get both coyotes up and running (one heading north and the other going south). Chamber another round and watch the southbound coyote come across the ice, then clear the reeds and into the field. A vocal howl stops the coyote long enough for me to get a shot off. A 156 yard shot has coyote number 44 down.
Just plain out gorgeous looking coyote. Great story with pictures to boot. Thanks for taking the time to share your hunts with us.
Nice looking coyote, and another good story...always a good day when a spot and stalk comes together. Fun way to hunt them that many do not get the chance to do successfully.