Using a howler at night


New member
Hi All,

I have a Flextone howler that allows me to yip, bark, etc. Is this an appropriate call for nighttime coyotes? How should I go about calling? Howling or distress sounds? Any input is appreciated.


Calls that work during the day, work just as well at night. However, what I tell a lot of new callers is coyotes are naturally hunting at night. Due to this, I tend to use more prey distress at night than I do during daytime calling.
This. Personally the only time I howl in the dark is before morning lite and even then I'm not big on putting coyotes on alert before their daylight hunt. I prefer late afternoon/ evening to locate.
That's just me.

I howl a lot also at night, that's the only time I hear coyotes howling in this area so why not join in. Especially when they're mating. It usually works best earlier in the winter, ether they've become educated at the end of our long winters or their attitudes have changed.