Retired PM Staff
My wife read this to me this morning

"The Second Amendment was not written by a bunch of guys just coming home from a hunting trip, but by men just finishing a war to free a nation"
So true, and exactly the context that the entire Bill of Rights and Constitution was written under.

These days, the liberals try to take away bits of freedom by making arguments about what is reasonable, what do people really need or not. Our entire history of freedom is not based on what is needed or reasonable, it's based on individual liberty to choose one's own fate.

The first amendment doesn't just protect speech that's reasonable and doesn't hurt feelings, it protects all speech that is not damaging or threatening to another individual.

The fourth amendment offers many protections to suspected criminals, not because it's reasonable in all cases, but to protect the lowest people on the totem pole from being jailed wrongly. How easy would it be for powerful people to have their rivals incarcerated without our bill of rights?

Let the Chicoms and the Russians and the liberal Europeans rule based on what they feel is "good enough" for their "subjects". We in the U.S. are not subjects, we are the owners of this great nation, and we are supposed to be in charge of our own lives to the extent it doesn't jeopardize our nations security and our fellow citizens safety and well-being. Government and libs stay out of the rest.