Calling at night during a full moon

You are taking me way to seriously and grammar skill choices have nothing to do with making proper or personal ambient light choices in hunting at night .

Nahh..I quit taking you seriously with your comments on the top of this page. I just threw the grammer comment out for anyone who might have a guilty conscience
Getting back on topic. DoubleUp is right. Toss in hunting public land that is pressured by deer hunters all day long and only being able to use .22mag makes for difficult hunting. Using every advantage you can get without educating them further is key.
I tend to walk a little farther during bright moon nights. Choosing to hide the truck a little better or farther away from where I'm calling. I hate the feeling that I'm so visible when the moon is full and try to take steps to minimize that.
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I try to steer clear of full moon nights when possible. On the rare occasion, like during a registered hunt, when I do hunt the full moon I will set up like I would if I were hunting during the day. Even with that I know I have educated more coyotes on brighter nights than on darker nights. In addition, my success rate goes down on brighter nights.
Here in the east I think an educated coyote holds class at pack meetings and tells the others what has been learned, lol.
Being that I can't use lights or IR in my state I pretty much only hunt at night under full moon, called and killed plenty. With snow on the ground you can see pretty good.

Since full moon and snow covered ground isn't too often I do a good amount of my calling during the day.