Let's pretend for a minute


New member
Let’s pretend for a minute.

This is for all of you unbelievers out there. You say that God doesn’t exist and it has all been settled. Okay, let’s pretend just for a minute that God does exist and that He is the creator of all things. Repeat this prayer and mean it from your heart as if you are talking directly to God. If He does not exist, you have nothing to lose, right?

Father in Heaven, I am a sinner. I need to be saved. You say you will save me if I will trust you to forgive my sins. You sent your son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. Right now, I repent of my sins and receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Come into my heart Lord, make me a new creation.

Thank you Lord Jesus for saving me.
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Originally Posted By: Savage250Let’s pretend for a minute.

I stopped pretending when I was about 6 or 7 years old.
Psychologists and psychiatrists seem to be unanimous on the opinion that pretending is unhealthy and unacceptable for adults.

"Q: There are religious people that don't demand proof for their beliefs, is this a way of relieving their cognitive dissonance?
A: The more important a particular belief is to us the more strongly we will ignore or reject evidence suggesting we are wrong. Religion is central to what gives many people meaning and purpose in life. This type of belief will be defended at all costs."


"Religion is central to what gives many people meaning and purpose in life."

Yes fw, and non-believers all too often die as drug addicts, or Scotch whiskey addicts, cursing that their lives are meaningless.