Bad choice to try calling


New member
Was tracking a bear, had my recurve and 357. Girlfriend had her camera. We lost the first track and caught a second track but it was a smaller bear and eventual had cub tracks with it. Finally caught up to em across a field and the girlfriend started snapping her pictures of the mama and 2 cubs. They wandered into a patch of bushes and I decided to see if my new double reed fawn would draw them out. BAD IDEA! 3 waaaaas and suddenly mama and THREE cubs come hard charging. I stood up and the mama stopped at about 40-50 yards but the cubs wouldn't quit! I shot the 357 into the ground and the mama walked into the trees but the cubs kept wandering up. The girlfriend loved it, took tons of awesome pictures, and the cubs finally turned and took off once she stood up. Figures. Gonna try sometime this month with the 308 where there's a big bear scratching up the trees. Should be a blast!