North Korean Army


Staff member
The North Korean Army hasn’t gone to war in 60 years, but from the looks of all the medals their generals are wearing, we should be able to defeat them with just one very large MAGNET…


lol, nice one.

Are those medals or Pimped Political buttons? Maybe hood ornaments stolen off south Korean cars.

I also wonder what the average age of the NK army is.. By the looks of it, service is life long, no retirement.
Kinda funny that a coworker and I were talking about N Korea today and he read somewhere that they ahd over 1 million people sign up pretty recently. I said, why wouldn't you in that country, it's probably the only thing you can do that guarantees three squares a day.
Originally Posted By: CountryWildcatKinda funny that a coworker and I were talking about N Korea today and he read somewhere that they ahd over 1 million people sign up 1 million people were signed up for the army pretty recently. I said, why wouldn't you in that country, it's probably the only thing you can do that guarantees three squares a day.

you had a typo, FIFY