Senile , Insane , or just an Idiot .


New member
Trump . whats wrong with this guy , constantly changing his positions , stupid tweets , ridiculing his cabinet . It looks like he's just trying to see how far he can go and then he's going to resign laughing about how spineless everyone was that sucked up to him . Just my opinion .
I'm sure superdupersongdogslayerdude voted...right? Did you vote for Hillary or Trump...or anyone?

I feel like your that idiot that thinks he is a guide, that suckers people into paying you to take them coyote hunting in Bako south area? If not I apologize, your just regular idiot.
I knew a post like this would bring out the Superdupertrumpfans, For all you dudes that think you know me , NO repeat NO I didn't vote for Clinton I voted for Trump , What the [beeep] is wrong with you guys, if anyone disagrees with the stooge in charge , that automatically makes them a libtard , snowflake , or whatever childish little phrase you can think of ? A bunch of republican senators and congressman are shaking their heads , wondering what is this moron going to do next ..My God look how Trump acts , he's a complete IDIOT . Kasich would have been a much better choice . Trumps in it for himself and he don't care about you or me.Drain the swamp by loading it up with wall street boys . Wheres the wall, cheap health care ON DAY ONE , ya right . This russia thing is looking to put him out of a job , but keep thinking he's going to make America great again . Don't hold your breath . Lone Howl , anyone that would pay to hunt coyotes is a chump . Do you pay to hunt coyotes ??
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.. Well you know the saying

They are not republicans that voted against the GOP agenda, they are Rino's (republican in name only)

If the majority of voters voted for Trump (3000 counties out of roughly 3300) for America first, repeal odummer care, and tax cuts, not to forget build that wall..

You are here saying he is a stooge. (ironic, since your bank accounts between yourself and him are not even close) but, if you are so smart why didn't you win the election? He is a smart guy, he ran and didn't have the support of globalist rino's. he had it coming at him from all directions and didn't have a diversity card, yet still won. He even had Dems (kennedy dems, that love the country) vote for him, while spending less than all the candidates he faced. (actual example of financial responsibilities)

You say he is an idiot, i say he is playing them like a fiddle. Who else has come out of the fire he has recieved, pushed forward their agenda (that he can) and outed all the fakes in the process? He has already wiped almost all of Obama's non-sense in half a year.

The hold ups are on Senate and Congress inaction and the fakers holding up the show. All of which ran on repeal and tax reform, yet it's the one thing they haven't done and now that we have the votes on record we know who was lying.

Trump has followed through on his promises, and if you think he is crass, or not refined..

Was he during the election? when he was running for office he was direct and not PC..

Quite frankly it's about time. That type of behavior where they all slap each other on the back and say how they are all so great has put our country in the mess it's in.
Very nicely stated AZ but I expect that facts and logic will have little effect when debating a bomb throwing troll.
When a troll is faced with mocking laughter they have to start checking in with the Talking points troll management team..

What do I do??
Lets see," a newbie troll " , "just a regular idiot" ," TROLL "< all in caps too impressive .., " Rinos ", because they don't agree with the morons adgenda. " A bomb throwing troll " " A dipshtick " " Faced with mocking laughter " " Talking points management team " LOL. what the blue blazes is that ? I must have struck a nerve .
Face it ladies, your hero in the white house is con artist and you all been duped .Lowest approval ratings . He WILL be impeached . and then the tears will flow like the Nile .Take a deep breath and face reality if you can .I must be a RINO because I don't jump on your bandwagon , you know the one thats heading over the cliff.
a little less name calling, please.

impeach him if you can. we'd get pence & I'm fine with that. but for that to happen he's going to have to do something, so i wouldn't hold my breath while waiting.

I admit I often don't know what he's doing but I'm not so sure that's always a bad thing, as it must be driving the dems nuts. not that it's that long a trip...
Originally Posted By: Stu Farishas it must be driving the dems nuts. not that it's that long a trip...

and the mainstream media has completely lost its marbles - and its ratings - over trump lol its fantastic
Bomb throwing trolls are always so predictable. They open a post with some offensive name calling like "Senile, Insane, or just an Idiot". When they get their desired response,because they've offended nearly everyone else,they try to claim the high ground by whining about the name calling. Sounds like the tactics of the fake mainstream media and the D.N.C..
A billionaire and POTUS against all odds, what an idiot!
I'm sure the OP has done much better!

Hey, I like Trump, he paid for a 1648 Tracker GRIZZLY with a 40/30 Yamaha jet on it last year, well sort of, and he can use it anytime he wants to!
If I'm lucky he will also pay for a new truck to tow it with, or maybe at least a good used one, GO TRUMP!
hahahaa.. I have noticed the typical behavior of someone from california ranting about republicans and squawking like a seagull .

Its the same play we have all seen over and over, by walking into a room and farting, and then claim victim status when people call them out for acting like a democrat talking point wind bag.

I have to give it to Woody, he sure was a better quality troll. He could really get people mad, but maybe it's the classic story of Peter and the wolf and we have all grown weary of it and now just laugh at it or something.

The trolls have been out in force all over the internet since the tranny ban was tweeted.. That sure must have made a lot of liberals mad. Guess they are just angry they can't use the military as their free ride to self mutilation and free meds in support of it for the rest of their lives. Maybe daddy soro's will have to set up a fund to pay for it instead?

Either way..

I like what Trump has been up to, and to be fair, if his actions have caused some to question their votes, guess you must have thought that he would do something different than when he was running.
Either way, every time the drama level goes up, like a Fox, he puts something else right through Government and it's all missed cause the media, like a cat chasing a laser, are focused somewhere else.

What if..
The comments about sessions is a plan? What if he says things that really should be said and hey, instead of the back slapping and no one does anything wrong, he says get more done??

The Dems and Rino's are out in force saying how dare you, Sessions is as good as Ghandi..

but, then Sessions starts charging liberals for their crimes?? how are they going to bash him after just praising him??

GOP has been claiming they need both houses and the white house to do something about the out of control government. They claim they would repeal obama care..
Well, when called on it, we now know a group of them were just liars. Thanks to Trump.

We know who to get rid of and vote against now.. Again. Great news.

I just can't wait for one of the 3 old SCOTUS liberals in the 75+ age frame to have to step down and then it's off to the races. I don't care if Trump sits in the oval office tweeting anything that comes to mind all day long, as long as he gets one more SCOTUS pick like his last.

He is already starting to build the wall, they are getting funding, and deportations are way up. ICE is planning on camping out in liberal bastions, and the State department has been cutting away all the bloat.

Energy production is up, unemployment is down, home prices are on the rise, and gas prices are falling.

Trumps doing what he can, now the rest of us can help by getting rid of the liars in '18

They unexpected cherry on top will be the Dems and their corruption aired out because of 3 foreign nationals they hired to do their IT work that didn't have the qualifications to do so.
I sure hope they put that bug eye'd woman in orange. Oh, wow wouldn't that be a great bumper sticker..
Her mug shot one one side and "think of this face before you vote dem"
I don't question my vote. I mainly wanted him to not be hillary & so far he's doing that brilliantly.

it was trump or felonia von pantsuit.

I vastly prefer trumps screwups over hers. for that matter I vastly prefer his screwups over what would have been her brilliant successes.
Originally Posted By: Stu Farish
impeach him if you can. we'd get pence & I'm fine with that.

Yep, that would be great.
Then Pence could pray that Jeezus would touch the hearts of Putin, and the little NK fat man, and Islam, and all of our world problems would vanish.