"Montana Howler"-American Cherry


New member

Here’s a design I’m currently working on to try and get maximum volume, and true versatility. I am calling this a “Montana Howler” after a new friends influence in getting this project off the drawing board.
This design features a modified open reed tone board. Along with an enclosed reed mouth piece. Both sound boards can be interchanged at will to produce whatever sound is desired. The enclosed reed volume is great, but can be muffled down by placing a hand over the exhaust. The enclosed reed mouth piece can also be used alone.

This call is “American Cherry.” With tone board installed it is 9” long (tip to tip). The enclosed reed mouthpiece is voiced jackrabbit/cottontail. It truly has some volume and rasp! As a howler it really sings!
This call is signed and dated. Asking $100.00 Delivered. Thanks for looking!

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