CNN Syrian Interview Fail

"Please help us stay in OUR country; we do not want to be refugees! Please establish safe zones in OUR country."

What that guy wants is for someone else to do the work for him. He wants American troops on the ground, American resources and money to establish a "safe zone" for him. BS... The United States should not be involved in a nation building exercise in the Middle East again. We are notoriously poor at that job. Let those patriots take their country back like ours did in 1776 and again in 2016. If the country falls to ISIS then we missile the chitt outta them until they turn to dust and cinder. That tends to cause bad people to think about who they're gonna screw with and who it's best to leave alone. Boots on the ground in Syria is a loosing proposition for the United States.

With that said, it's nice the interview blew up on CNN as it did. I'm surprised that ever saw the light of day or wasn't nipped short because of "technical difficulties."
She tried to cut him off repeatedly once she saw he wasn't going to go ape on trump.

I honestly don't understand why some people think that bringing everyones problems here is the fix, instead of fixing the problem where it already is.
If you wouldn't want to go stay there for a month and live there, why would you want to bring the people from there here????

Especially when the neighboring countries won't take them in during their civil war.
We cannot change their form of government and we cannot force them to live the way we want them to. The idea of trying to bring "democracy" to those people is a farse and a lie anyways... a lie for conquest and regime change for those who will float the global one world agenda. The fact is those people there don't want so called "democracy". Just leave them to their own devices and the stone age system they prefer... Stop giving them weapons and aid. save the waste of military expenditure and bring them home.

What have we gained there since it started 16 years ago? Have things really gotten better or is the middle east still in constant turmoil just like it has always been. What has changed over there? Other than regime changes to people who are just as bad or far worse and the fact that we got the completely unconstitutional not so patriot act, the unconstitutional NDAA, and the hundreds of unconstitutional dictatorial decrees/executive order fiat designed to take away our freedoms and liberty here at home under the guise of national security and safety. We got the highly corrupt unconstitutional dhs out this too. Not to mention the debt that we will never get out from under... So the money and liberty that has been frittered away under the lie of national security is what we've got out this so far. Are we really any safer today then we were prior to 911? or do we have a bloated centralized apparatus full of scumbags who do whatever they want and the emergence of a police state. Why are they brining those people here.. why are the borders being left wide open, why are the political class shipping all of our industry to foreign countries.

Come on wake up.

Freedom and liberty will not be found half way across the globe in a foreign land.




Originally Posted By: GCWhat that guy wants is for someone else to do the work for him. He wants American troops on the ground, American resources and money to establish a "safe zone" for him. BS... The United States should not be involved in a nation building exercise in the Middle East again. We are notoriously poor at that job. Let those patriots take their country back like ours did in 1776 and again in 2016. If the country falls to ISIS then we missile the chitt outta them until they turn to dust and cinder. That tends to cause bad people to think about who they're gonna screw with and who it's best to leave alone. Boots on the ground in Syria is a loosing proposition for the United States.

With that said, it's nice the interview blew up on CNN as it did. I'm surprised that ever saw the light of day or wasn't nipped short because of "technical difficulties."

I fully agree. They need to handle their own problems.

Their problem is that they can't rally common sides together, and they resolve every issue by killing those who oppose. There's no reasoning or logic. It's a one way street there, and if you don't like it, you'll be seeing what's on the other side sooner rather than later. However, the mindset over there encourages oppression and barbarism, so there's really no saving grace. Look at the way they treat women. They're still in the stone age while the rest of the world is moving forward.
Thank you for your input Foxpro. I'm grateful to have a solid, logical, sound thinker like yourself to help me firm up my own positions on these most difficult matters facing us today.
I don't want to go into Syria either. I do however get the cost of 59 missles to go after someone that has used chemical weapons on their own people is a good thing. As long as it's a once over deal. That 59 million is putting the rest of the world on notice, and now China in a new deal is putting the screws to NK. Something that hasn't happened in 60 years. Russia is in full wow mode.

Let them be run by Asad. I don't care. Why would i care of a desert hole that is the home to ISIS is run by a dictator that isn't going to put up with that.

Maybe if Odummer didn't stick his failed nose in that tent, ISIS wouldn't exist today? Maybe if he wasn't fighting a civil war that we were supporting the other side on, he would have time to deal with that ISIS group, but why would he now?? Let them have their area's as long as they are attacking the USA it's not bothering him. The middle east is a strange group of people and they can't handle democracy. It's just not something they can handle. But, so what. unless the people want to rally and fight, we should stay out of it. Until they attack us, then hammer them and their leaders into the dirt so bad that it's written into their history books as if it was a plaque brought down on them by their God. that is the only thing they understand.
Clearly Syria isn't worth it when millions and millions of their military age men flee vs fight for freedom, and self governance.

As for Iraq and nation building.. I don't support using our money to build a nation. No one did that. We can create a loan, we can support. Sell them arms. But we should also realize that things don't happen in a day or a year. Look at our history. We signed the Declaration of independence in 1776, but didn't have a constitution until 1787. We all got along unlike Iraq.
I support spreading democracy for those that want it, but they should have to do the heavy lifting, not us. They (whomever that is) should have to pay for it.