The difference between anger and exasperation


New member
My grand daughter came to me the other night with her homework assignment being determining the difference between anger and exasperation. I told her it was a matter of level. She replied that she didn't understand so I said watch this.
I dialed up a random number on the phone and when the man answered I asked, Is Homer there?
The man politely replied, No, I'm sorry but there's no Homer here. You have the wrong number and hung up.
I immediately hit redial and when the man answered I asked, Is Homer there? The man said , Look buddy, I told you there's no Homer here and hung the phone up again. I once again hit redial and the man answered WHAT!!!..I said, Is Homer there? The man screamed into the phone cussing with every breath telling me not to call again. I then told my grand daughter, that was anger. Now this will be exasperation. I hit redial and the man was absolutely going off cussing badly. I said , This is Homer, have I had any calls?