A good day of calling coyotes with .22guy!


Well-known member
Yesterday .22guy and I went coyote calling and started before sun up and our last stand was just after sun down.

The first stand of the morning I started out with Female Sore Howls sound on full volume and a bunch of coyotes started yipping and howling about a half mile away.

I switched to Bay Bee Cottontail sound and within about 5 minutes a coyote came in and stopped when I muted the sound. I didn't want this coyote to get closer and get our wind.

The coyote was about 150 yards away and my 243 Win dropped the coyote in it's tracks.

The next stand was about a mile down the main canyon or river bottom. .22guy had his shotgun and was sitting in front of a small brush pile about 20 yards from my Foxpro.

I was laying prone about 80 yards from .22guy. The sun was just starting to put direct sunlight on the ground when I saw a coyote heading right to the Foxpro and .22guy.

It was pretty cool to see the coyote get hammered with the shotgun once it got up real close to the Foxpro.

Quite a few stands later we set up with .22guy on the shotgun and I had the rifle again. I was on top of a steep bank laying prone in the shade of a juniper about 30 ft above .22guy and he was below me in the shade of a juniper. .22guy was about 20 yards from the Foxpro.

After calling with Snowshoe Hi-Pitch for about 10 minutes I saw a coyote heading our way fast. It looked like it was going to run right up to .22guy so I started taking some pictures of it.


Right after I took this picture the coyote put on the brakes and stopped. I thought maybe the coyote saw some movement. I put down my camera and went to my rifle and shot the coyote about 50 yards away from .22guy.


In the above two pictures you can see the coyote laying just to the left of my rifle barrel.

When we went out to get the coyote and looked back at the Foxpro it was putting off some glare. I am pretty sure that the coyote saw that shiny thing and stopped to get a better look at it. I thought I had the Foxpro and my caller bag hidden behind a small bush but I didn't do a very good job of it.

In the above picture you can see my caller and bag that the sun was shining on.

Quite a few stands later we set up sitting in the shade of the same juniper. .22guy had the shotgun and I had my rifle. We were overlooking a huge canyon and we were sitting where the two ridges of the canyon came together. So it was a pretty steep climb for and coyotes to get to us.

After calling for about 5 minutes I spotted a coyote on top of the ridge to my right, it was standing there about 300 yards below us.

I hit my #3 pre-set sound that is Vole Squeaks on volume 20. As soon as this coyote heard Vole Squeaks it started heading up the ridge towards us.

When the coyote got out of our view directly below us .22guy got ready with the shotgun.

It didn't take long and the coyote appeared 20 yards form .22guy and 10 yards from my Foxpro. .22guy put the coyote down with his shotgun with one shot.

We saw some more coyotes but didn't have anymore come in close enough.

It was a great day of coyote calling in some pretty country.

man I like the visibility in a lot of those pics. closes I get to that is the occasional suicidal maniac I talk into trotting out across short wheat
Green grass. Sunshine. Blue skies. And coyotes!

I need to go south for a few days...

Originally Posted By: DAAGreen grass. Sunshine. Blue skies. And coyotes!

I need to go south for a few days...


Bring some long sleeved T-shirts because it gets pretty cool when you sit in the shade.
Nicely done, and I love the looks of that warm country! I'm sitting inside watching gale force winds re-shift the snow drifts across the frozen tundra. I need to move south lol!
Quote: When we went out to get the coyote and looked back at the Foxpro it was putting off some glare.

Just when you think you've made all the mistakes, a new one raises it's ugly head.
Great pics and story, Bob.

FoxPro glare cost me a nice bobcat a couple of years back. Had the call hanging on a tree limb in some thick brush and spotted a cat slinkin' in but couldn't get clear shot until he crossed a trail to get to the call. He spooked and ran off just before stepping into clear and when I picked up the call I noticed the glass window on side of call was toward low sun and the wind had picked up. I'm sure the cat got a reflection & spooked.
