Sent Control


New member
I am curious to know if anyone uses any sort of sent control while predator hunting.

I know that nothing can really beat a coyotes nose, and we always use the wind to our advantage while making a stand. But do you take the extra step of using sent control anyway?

What do you do or use?
I do, just like I deer hunt I try to stay as scent free as much as I can. This year I'm trying the new Scent A Way Bio-Strike. I was cloths, bath and spray down with their stuff when I go out hunting. This deer season I had good luck with the stuff and had deer around me every stand and as far as i know I didn't get busted.

I know there is NOTHING that will make us 100% scent free but years ago a hunting dog taught me something and I never forgot it.

Ever watched a good dog on a track? First he strikes the track, he then goes one way and then the other then he will go the way the coon, rabbit or what ever game he's after went. How does he know which way to go?? Simple, the scent gets stronger one way while weaker the other so he knows the stronger scent will take him to his target.

Around here in Kentucky it's small farm country and the animals including the coyotes will come in the scent of a human all the time at all times of the day and night. We have to know that they have learned human scent and if it's strong or weak. I try to make my scent as weak as possible so they will think I passed though there some time ago rather than being near by right then. No mater how much I try I still get busted every once in a while but I still keep trying.
Good points, I use dead down wind products, the same as I do during deer season, I figure anything that we can do to give ourselves a little extra edge in the hunt is a good thing.
I do some, but not because I think I can beat a deer or coyote's nose. I try to minimize my footprint in the area for future hunts.
I don't at all for coyotes, I don't wear cologne or anything to that nature but I quit being crazy about scent control. I set up to where they can not get down wind of me before I get a shot. I kill my fair share of them... They will come in straight toward you for a while before they start to circle. Scouting and where to set up is the biggest key to killing coyotes.
I hunt them at night, forgot to add that.
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