Reap-IR reticle 1

Originally Posted By: CanineKillaOh so this is normal then? I've see other videos where the reticle is solid. So it's the DVR issue?


No, I believe the rs170 connector is putting out an analog NTSC signal. The digital 640x480 picture is being converted to an analog NTSC video of scan lines which do not correspond exactly to the 480 rows of pixels. Therefore some rows are being ignored.
Someone may have a better explanation of the process, but to my knowledge a different dvr won't matter.

That is why to capture the high quality image the IRD scopes put out people have been recording with a device looking through the ocular.
It's a cable issue when made cheaply do not have filters built into it to mitigate the interference. Our cables do not have this issue. Our cable engineer specifically designed and tested these for this purpose as well.
I got it to work on mine?
