Trail Camera Pictures


Well-known member
Got a few pictures of a coyote on my trail camera. Cant figure out what the red spot is on it, maybe a raw spot from scratching, looks mangey. This one is brave, the camera is located about 200 yards from my house, maybe 20 yards inside the wooded area. Everything between the woods and my house is open pasture. Guess I'll have to keep a more frequent watch out the window.

Peaking around the tree on the right.

The raw spot might be from a rolling under a car. I've run over a couple and spit them out the back and watched them runn off. Tough little buggers.
Looks like a saddle sore.. Rode hard and put away wet
Coyotes really have a pair in my area. Come winter when me and my buddies start shooting and trapping we skin them in my garage and coyotes will start running through my yard 2 or 3 at a time multiple times a week. I've only got a 1/3rd of an acre in a neighborhood, not even much good coyote territory for almost a mile but they make it out here. Thought about setting some traps or snares in my yard but I get the neighbors dog running through my place every once in a while too. I will have to set a camera up this winter.
Originally Posted By: vahunterLooks like he could stand a dip or two in Happy Jack.

I prescribed a good dose of 50 grain VMAX, just need a follow up appointment to administer it.