Arizona Draw


New member
Got drawn for Unit 12A West! 4 years in the making...which isn't bad from I hear. Now onto the scouting. I'm stationed down in Sierra Vista so I am guessing its a 6 hour drive for me so I'm going to try to take a few days off work to cram in as much as I can. Anyone have any general areas where I should check/start out first? I plan on hiking in deep and camping, then fanning out my scout and hopefully in October, my hunt from there.
Yeah its for rifle. I'm really looking forward to it. I was looking at maybe getting an outfitter, but that's not going to happen on a military salary. Plus I like the idea of going at it DIY style. I'm used to hunting back east where its sit in a tree stand and wait for them to walk by you, but big western desert hunting is sure to be an awesome experience and deflating a nice mule deer would just be the icing.
Congratulations on getting drawn! Did you get drawn for the early or late season hunt? I'm assuming the early season since you mentioned something about October. For the early 12AW hunt, you should focus your scouting in the higher elevations where the summer range is found. Generally, that would be within a 5-7 mile linear distance from Highway 67. The deer will start to migrate after your hunt ends so don't waste your time looking at the pinion/juniper country.
Yeah its the early hunt. Up high seems to be the general theme of the advice I am getting from asking around. Common theory I am getting is that if it snows or has snowed by my hunt window then I should focus more towards the juniper ranges. Honestly I am not looking for it to snow, snow camping does not appeal to me. Either way I am pumped up....except for the fact that all my hunt buddies are out this weekend chasing those velvet bucks and im stuck here waiting until the end of October!