So how exactly does foxpro get their sound files?

tyler cagle

New member
Hey guys ain't been on in a while, so i thought it was high time for a post. So how exactly does foxpro or any e call company get there sounds? I mean do they spend countless hours waiting for a wild animal to start squealing in agony and rush in with a microphone or do they just catch a animal and poke him with a stick until it starts calling for help? Really curious as to how they acquire there prey distress sounds as well as coyote vocalizations.
Good question there.......... All I know is.. Its real time and MP3 / CD quality which is great.. Hope you get more Input on the matter - Good luck and God Bless !!
as for the coyote vocals, there are a few guys around the country that have raised them from pups or otherwise acquired them and keep them penned. they supply sounds to foxpro.

most of the other prey source animals are likely held and *massaged* in certain ways that makes them scream let me go.

i can make wild rabbits or tame rabbits make sounds just like the sounds on the callers. think member DAA is pretty good at it also. lol probably other animal sounds are gotten about the same way.

a lot are probably recorded with some very sophisticated recording equipment capable of capturing great audio at long ranges.
Originally Posted By: SlickerThanSnot

most of the other prey source animals are likely held and *massaged* in certain ways that makes them scream let me go.
if that's the case, i sure hope the ASPCA doesn't find out about this "massaging"
I have personally recorded a good amount of the FOXPRO sounds using a Linear Audio Recorder. Devil Hare was my sound. Belding Squirrel too. I have supplied them with sounds for years. Juvenile magpie distress for example, was a magpie I caught with a swimming pool skimmer and recorded inside the home of a friend while visiting one day. The magpie was released completely unharmed. I just recently found a nest of 5 raccoon babies and recorded them for FOXPRO. Again, no harm done to the animals, they were released back to momma after making them famous. Recording good audio for e-calls is somewhat addictive.
Interesting stuff tom. I once had an encounter where I trapped a baby red fox. My dad was with me at the time and like a moron, he pulled the steak out of the ground and it took off through our barn. Good job dad! He managed to get stuck in an old rubber tire and man you should have heard the screams coming from this thing! Wish I could have recorded it. I bet it would have been deadly on coyotes and fox!
Originally Posted By: SHamptonI've only found one way to get a coyote to squeal and not injure it. what? chase one down and tickle it?
I've heard you can take an electric fence charger and wrap the ground side around their back leg then wrap the hot side around a piece of pvc and shock them. I've heard a shock collar or a hot shot only makes them wince. That's just what I've heard anyway.