NEW Shotgun Pattern Test Results - Detail & Pic' heavy...

I would like seeing the patterns of those three loads.

Put a 1" thick Cabela's or Bass Pro catalog behind the pattern sheet center dot and check out the penetration difference between the three loads while your shooting the patterns.

I am curious about the Winchester load. If the shot in it is staying together long enough that it will be faster at 40 yards than the other two loads it may penetrate deeper.

I killed a bunch of coyotes with the Federal Premium 3" 1-7/8 oz copper coated BB loads. They didn't pattern that great but I killed most of those coyotes between 20 and 35 yards away.

I wonder what the difference between those three loads looks like at 25 yards?

I just put some BB lead shot info into my KPY Shotshell Ballistic program.

It shows the 1210 fps lead BB load would get 3.50" of gel penetration at 48.8 yards. 96 pellets in 1-7/8 oz of lead BB

The 1300 fps 1-1/2 oz lead BB load gets 3.50" of gel penetration at 53.9 yards. 77 pellets in 1-1/2 oz of lead BB

When I opened up a few of the Federal 1-7/8 oz BB loads they had 98 pellets in each shell.

I wonder what the pellet counts and actual pellet sizes are in these three loads?

I got some Remington Wingmaster HD #2 shot one time that was actually size #1 shot and it had 20 less pellets per shell than the other Remington Wingmaster HD #2 shot loads I had.
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I am very interested, especially in the new Winchester with ShotLok.

When I found out the heavy weight B coyote load was discontinued, I emailed Winchester and asked if it would be replaced and if they were at all considering extending the XR ShotLok to other loads. They said something was in the works.

Where did you find the new Winchester?
Originally Posted By: RossignolI am very interested, especially in the new Winchester with ShotLok.

When I found out the heavy weight B coyote load was discontinued, I emailed Winchester and asked if it would be replaced and if they were at all considering extending the XR ShotLok to other loads. They said something was in the works.

Where did you find the new Winchester?

Had my local gunshop order them. My buddy and I have already shot a few of them. They look to be promising. I'll get the test done next weekend and post the results.
Originally Posted By: Marcl84Anybody interested in seeing a patterning test between these 3 loads? I'll be running them through an 11-87 and a Browning Gold Hunter.

Where did you find the Federal loads?
Ill have two boxes of the Winchester monday and some more chokes also. So far Ive tried two different barrels on my 870 Express and the 28" Carlson barrel is the winner so far. Cant wait to try the Varmint X in the Carlson barrel.
Lefty, I was approached by a generous member of this forum who had a few extra boxes he was willing to part with. I bought both boxes. I'm new to the BB shells and am curious how much better the Varmint X shells pattern than the plain Jane Federals. What chokes will you be shooting in your Remington? Shoot me a pm and we can compare notes.
Got to shoot today. Took the Remington 11-87 and the Browning Gold Hunter. The Federals and the new Winchesters put up the best patterns in both guns. All shots were taken at 40 yards. The patterns were counted using a 8" circle. Chokes used were a Sumtoy .665 turkey choke and a Primos .680 Dead Dog in the Remington. And a Carlson extra full in the Browning. Shells were the Winchester Varmint X, Federal Premium, Hornady Heavy magnum. Pictures will be paired by shell.


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Originally Posted By: Marcl84Hornady Heavy Magnum.
The last picture was from the 11-87 with the .665 Sumtoy.

Try a more open choke, that seems too tight for the flight control wads the hornady's use. My guess is your pattern will get better with something like an improved cylinder.

Originally Posted By: LARUEminatiOriginally Posted By: Marcl84Hornady Heavy Magnum.
The last picture was from the 11-87 with the .665 Sumtoy.

Try a more open choke, that seems too tight for the flight control wads the hornady's use. My guess is your pattern will get better with something like an improved cylinder.

I had a imp. cyl for the 11-87 on hand. But once I saw the patterns from the other two loads I decided that I wasn't going to be changing chokes for hunting purposes. I've got an old beat up Winchester 1300 that I may fool with. If so I may the Hornadys through a imp. cyl or mod to see if it'll shoot them.