~#~ Counting crows with rabbits in-betweeN ~#~

Infidel 762

Staff member

As far back as the 15th century, a flock of crows have been referred to as a "murder"..

Native Americans viewed crow as a creator of this world.. Respected for his intelligence as well as his freedom to roam the earth and skies.. Others believed he could fly high enough to pass thru heaven, connected with God as well as Satan;

A single crow can be seen as sorrow.. Connected with death wrapped in dark plumage. Depicted in motion pictures picking out people's eyes and circling battlefields, waiting for the wounded to die;

Being such social creatures, seeing only one is un-usual and could suggest that it is not a "true" crow.. That a single could be of the devil.. Therefore it is always wise to count crows;

In today's day and age many see life as meaningless and as pointless as counting crows.. But remember that as soon as you define something as meaningless, know that you just gave it meaning;

Was not able to recover all I shot, yet I was able to shoot rabbits between the sets;

While I think it best to not try to fully understand crow, as with epistemology. None of the corresponding rabbits are black... thus, counting them increases my belief that all crows are black;

Even though I can't count all nor fully understand crow, I find it safe to say; he lives on a higher order of wrong and right.. Far beyond the laws of human culture..

Awe Aw!!

~#~ ~#~

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Counting Crows - thankz man
All my innocence is wasted on the dead and dreaming -
whats for supper - A Murder of Crow
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It's a cold and rainy Sunday here in Northern California. I really enjoyed your post. Proves yet again that hunters aren't just blood thirsty gun nuts. You know much more about them than the [beeep] clowns that try to protect them. Thank you.
Many of my friends and relatives grow almonds in this area. They are currently $4 lb to the farmer. Adult crows eat a pound a day each. Being crazy as California its still difficult to legally shoot them. They are very smart and quickly learn to ignore all the "environmentally friendly" noise makers.
They are thick as can be and no one seems to care that these farmers are literally getting murdered.
Biologists believe that there is 27-31 calls in the crows vocabulary. They are very smart, and can learn to open different latches, and sure get wise and educated to calls and when and where they can go and not get shot at.
Has anyone ever used an OWL as a decoy? I have and they really attack that thing, and start wanting to fight it. I have taken black socks and placed them over clothes hangers to get the effect of downed birds. You can also bend the wire ones and place them in a position to mimick standing birds.
Using that method and placing the Owl decoy over it, makes them think the Owl has one down.

Crow hunting is a fave when it comes to Varmints.
Originally Posted By: cherokeetrackerBiologists believe that there is 27-31 calls in the crows vocabulary. They are very smart, and can learn to open different latches, and sure get wise and educated to calls and when and where they can go and not get shot at.
Has anyone ever used an OWL as a decoy? I have and they really attack that thing, and start wanting to fight it. I have taken black socks and placed them over clothes hangers to get the effect of downed birds. You can also bend the wire ones and place them in a position to mimick standing birds.
Using that method and placing the Owl decoy over it, makes them think the Owl has one down.

Crow hunting is a fave when it comes to Varmints.

I went by my parent's house and they have a plastic owl by the shed to scare off birds and what not, serves double as a red neck yard ornament.. I helped myself to it and threw that joker in my truck.. This was the first time I have went out to specifically target crows.. A lot circled at a higher altitude but I'm pretty sure the owl will bring them down lower.. I started using the dead crows and rabbits as decoys, that worked..

Originally Posted By: Wile E CoyotieCounting Crows - thankz man
All my innocence is wasted on the dead and dreaming -
whats for supper - A Murder of Crow

"I dreamt I saw you walking up a hillside in the snow..
Casting shadows on the winter sky as you stood there counting crows..
1 for sorrow
2 for joy
3 for mirth
4 for boys
5 for silver
6 for gold
7 for a secret never to be told.."

Adam Duritz of the Counting Crows
It was a compliment. Anyone who uses "epistemology" in a post about crows and quotes the lead singer deserves props.
Have you read Robert Ardrey? If not you should. " the hunting hypothesis"
I love his theory that abandoning the use of weapons is devolution. Although the last chapter on climate change is boring.
I agree hunting played a very large part in early man's evolution into what we are today.. I also think we where a more like coyotes.. We where scavengers and opportunists.. We could eat carrion that would sicken most people in today's world.. We no longer have the immunity systems..

Aside from making tools and controlling the use of fire; planting crops was a major step forward.. It shows how our minds became more analytical to recognize the seasonal cycles of a year.. To not only look into the future, but take action for a future harvest.. Definitely a step above gathering nuts for the winter like squirrels..

I believe we are the only species who literally contemplates our own purpose and existence with belief in an afterlife.. Even chimpanzees do not practice religious rituals.. We are embedded with a lot of instincts from our savage pasts;)