Poetic Justice

Libtard has to deal with her own mess. That is just so terrible.

I love how libtards say that others don't need guns. Then, like the rest of us they face a home invasion. What does she do??? Calls 911, and then demands Marshalls be sent and more cops..

I wish for once, i was a 911 operator and would have told her, "hide in place"..

First thing she said about 3 black kids and outlawed profiling. Then it comes to knock at her door.
Then right on cue.. Parents.. My baby didn't do nuffin.. He is innocent..

New flash.. INNOCENT people don't go along on a home invasion. They feel entitled and libtards have spoon fed them that line and now, when those chickens have come home to roost they act indigent and mortified that they were not exempt.

Reap what you sew.

I really wonder why she was so insistent on saying they were BLACK! And ok, call the marshals, they'll be there maybe next Thursday. Oddly enough, they don't respond to calls.