PVC coyote fleshing beam

Not really sure what you are asking?

If i was going to make one from a piece of PVC, I would cut the first foot of it to be about 3" wide at the top of it and then taper out to about 7" wide at the top.

Really what you are after is a size that is close to the size of a stretcher. You will also need to line the underside of the top "nose piece" with some wood to keep it from breaking off as you push down with the fleshing knife.

Typically the cross section of PVC fleshing beems are for other things like Beaver, and large things like Deer,Elk, and moose hides. The curve helps, and is tipically laid out on a bigger beam to allow it to flex with pressure, and apply the edge of the fleshing knife to the area you are working.

If I was going to try and use it, I would cut the PVC into 1/2 lengthwise, at least 3 feet long, and then lay the stretcher on it, and use a sharpie to trace out the outside edge, and then cut that our and do the same with a 3/4" thick piece of plywood, then screw the pvc to the plywood, and use a sander to round over all the edges. Come up with a base and figure out the angle and make it.