Countdown to opening day


New member
It won't be long before that First day of bird season. It has been proven over and over that most people try to get ready in just the last few days or the day before or even the weekend before by shooting some clay pigeons. A cheaper method and one that is far more profitable is the practice each day for two weeks, just mounting the gun as you are swinging it. Let's start with the mount. The gun is in the ready position of muzzle up, when an imaginary bird is spotted, the gun is thrust forward to clear the shooter's clothing, and to get the gun in position. As the gun is brought towards the shoulder, it is slid upon the cheek and the swing begun. Ma matter what direction the gun needs to take, it should be moving while it is shouldered. As soon as the gun hits the shoulder, the trigger is pulled and the bird taken. One of the best things a shooter can do is to close their eyes and when the gun hits the shoulder, look to see if the focal plane is all lined up. If not then the gun does not fit or else the mount is incorrect. Without going into all the things that can be done to correct a fit, one thing only we will touch on is that it is a good idea to wear the clothes you will be wearing, or at least something similar. If you will be using Tshirt and vest etc. Or just a shirt and no vest. Keep in mind that the gun must be swinging to accomplish the desired result. If you stop and shoot then you will always be behind the bird.
A fairly cheap way to see what is going on, is to take a cardboard box approximately 2' square. Take and set this where you can place it 8-10 feet away from yourself. draw a 6" circle on it or use a shoot -N-See target that can be taped or glued onto the box. Use a BB gun of your choice, and do a 4 part exercise. You can start with going from left to right. As you swing through the target on the box, shoot the BB gun as you are going past the target. The go from Right to Left. Then go from below the box, and swing upwards. Again pull the trigger as you swing through the target. Then last, Start from above the box and swing downwards. Try to shoot at least 5 shots each way, and Keep count, and then go back and count how many holes are in Target. DO NOT worry if BB gun is real short. This does not matter for this test. This exercise will tell you if you are stopping, or way above, or below, the target on your left to rights and Right to lefts. This is why you should make these shots first. The best thing to help, is to not have any sights on the BB gun. If you do have sights and you do not want to take them off, then at least cover them up with tape such as masking tape.
This is cheaper than a round of clays and interesting as to what it exposes in your shooting. But By, and Far, the best thing you can do for yourself, is to practice mounting the gun, and getting used to swinging it again. Get used to handling your shotgun again, after a summer of doing other things.