scent cover haters, think about this..


New member
I know there are alot of haters to scent covers on here, not that I am a firm believer they work my self but here is something to ponder. I was at the doctor s today reading a field and stream mag when I came across a research article. The test was have a search k9 German Shepard find a man out of 9 boxes, the guy went and sat s few seconds in each box before picking one. 1st test street clothes the man was found in 14 seconds next one the guy took a baking soda bath the man was found in 19 seconds. 3rd the guy to a bath non scent soap and put clothes on that were locked up with a ozone generating unit the k9 had to search every box twice before pin pointing the man at 42 seconds. The final test the man took a shower non scent soap and stayed in a box with a o zonic mounting unit again the k9 had to make two pass thoughs before letting out a half bark at the box the guy was in. It was a im not positive bark. At 50 seconds. Now I will not go buy all these things and will do my best to hunt the wind but I did find this study interesting to know that there might be something to give me almost an extra minute to shoot.. this study was meant for deer but I found it wound relate more to a coyote since it is a k9 family member.. I also know the dog is a lttle differnt it said it went and searched every box before picking one and a yote will react off first instinct more but it was just interesting to me..
I don't know if there are any scent cover haters but may be many non believers. Scent reduction is a better description to me.
I have always maintained that you will have a hard time fooling a dogs nose but scent reduction is your best shot and well worth it to me.
Having had whitetail deer, elk and coyotes within inches of me, sniffing to eliminate a possible threat, as self confirmation.
Less is better here. Sometimes the trashcan smells when I get around it. The county landfill smells for miles.
You make a point its reduces not covers but the last test the dog was fooled it said he wasnt postive and gave a half way locate bark.. but still yet found interest since im kinda of a non believer myself
ozone is the only scent cover/eliminator that actually works. all the other just tries to cover it up. continuos ozone kills scent the whole time it is producing. but i will not carry an ozonics with me to every stand.
The myth busters did that test as well 2 yrs or so back with a blood hound and it did take him a few extra seconds when they had the ozone machine in the box w/him.
It still does not cover scent, just dissipates it thinner in laymans terms.
what is missed here, is that the dog had a hard time narrowing in on where the person was..

The challenge here is that a Coyote is skiddish and as soon as it even thinks there is something there, (at least here in AZ) they are gone. They don't have to figure out the box you are in, they just have to see the box, let alone smell it.

But.. Interestingly

Buy the Ozone, build a box or just take a cardboard box and wash it with baking soda, put it in a sealed bag and then do the same with all of your clothes and make sure to bring a solar shower with baking soda with you to the field and bath and change and unwrap the box after you leave the truck and head toward your stand..

Let us know how many coyotes you get.

Kind of impractical if you ask me.

But all of this flys in the face of the long list of trappers that will tell you that as long as you don't pee on the trap it's fine.
There is a guy that i see that traps more than 200 and you can watch his video's and he is litterally smoking while checking traps.
U can fool a deer or a coyotes nose 100% guarantee all the time 100% of the time with out all the clothes washing and buying ozone machines. If u will send me $19.95 I will tell u my 100% guaranteed fool proof way of fooling any and all animals noses 100% of the time guaranteed or I will tripple your money guarantee!!!!!!!!
I agree with everyone and I know yotes and dogs are differnt in how they act but are the same in ways aswell but what im saying is if that did give you a almost 1min of shooting time. Would be worth it lol.. a minute would seem like e-on is shooting time.. I myself will never go buy and use this stuff, but makes non believers like myself that there maybe something that does help..
Ya, maybe shoot a coyote and rub it all over you.. Don't forget behind the ears.. Oh, and get the car seat too..
That is a cover scent that should work out. lol
Lol I feel like I smell like one everytime I go for months gets on your clothes and gloves thats all I smell anyways. They should be running to me thats how I feel anyways..
On top of everything else who the heck wants to tote one of those around with the junk most already carry. IMO just another gizmo that I don't need for coyote calling, just playing the breeze like I have for 45yrs and they still come in.
I'm not much on high dollar scentloc clothing, ozone or dead downwind kind of stuff, but I do use a homemade soap with anise oil and fennel in it to mask human scent to a degree.

Yotes will still pause when they get the scent, but at least they don't turn inside out and light the afterburners for the next county. Deer love anise and will actually come in sniffing trying to find it.
Just for the heck of it, I once cut a small corner off a bar and put it front of a trail cam. Got a vid of a forkhorn actually eating it!
bet he was blowing bubbles out the south end for a day or two

Obviously didn't harm him as he has been on cam several times a week since this happened last fall
Problem is unless you plan on bathing with said products between stands your body will produce odor While walking and sweating making it a one time use. and unless your bathing your rifle and ammo and all your other gear its pointles. There isn't a gimmicky product that replaces planning and proper set up And effort. just my .02
Shawn, I think the answer is obvious. Before every stand, take a shower with scent free soap and hide in a box with an ozone generating unit.

I can't say about coyotes, but I will refer to a specific deer incident I personally had one time. I was bowhunting and already had a tree stand in place about 17 feet up. I packed in to the base of the tree, took off my coat, my packpack, bow etc. and laid them on the ground at the tree.

Before entering the woods, I sprayed everything down well with Scent Shield White Lightening, including my pants and boots. I then walked directly to the tree stand maybe 150 to 200 yards away. After placing my screw-in tree steps in the tree, I then gathered up my gear and headed up the tree. I had no more than got up to the stand and hung up everything, when I looked out and saw a deer approached from maybe 100 yards away, in the opposite direction I had walked in.

The deer, to my surprise, walked toward my tree stand, but circled somewhat and began smelling the ground where I had just walked minutes before. It came literally to the base of the tree directly beneath me, nose to the ground where I had laid my coat and backpack. It appeared to know that something was there, but it didn't seem to smell human. I was really amazed.

I have also used Scent Shield on my clothing and boots when walking in to a stand, and had deer come down the path I have walked on and not smell me, or I will say they weren't alarmed. I have had other deer cut my scent many times when I didn't use a scent.

Whether or not a coyote would detect my scent in those cases or not, I can't say. I know that when I go coyote hunting I don't use a scent. Maybe I should. But, when I go deer hunting I do.

Just relating experiences.
Originally Posted By: devildoggU can fool a deer or a coyotes nose 100% guarantee all the time 100% of the time with out all the clothes washing and buying ozone machines. If u will send me $19.95 I will tell u my 100% guaranteed fool proof way of fooling any and all animals noses 100% of the time guaranteed or I will tripple your money guarantee!!!!!!!!

send me 10.00$ and i'll spill DevilDoggs your secret.
has something to do with miles of wide open stubble,no fences a 4x4 toyota and an Ar15.

but i ai'nt tellin
I'm pretty sure I read the same results of that same got the first parts of it right but not the last part.the last test they ran with the six boxes went something like this.they did all the other bull they did in all the previous tests plus they ran the ozonics machine in the box prior to the guy getting in one of the boxes with the scent loc suit.the dog went to the box the guy was in and acknowledged but did not bark until it checked all the boxes see those dogs a reprimanded if they bark at the wrong box.that's why it checked them all first.They use the dogs to sniff out bombs and drugs so they want the dogs to be right.Bottom line-use the wind to your advantage(its free).You can use all the stuff you want but your not gonna fool a dog-coyote or mature deers nose.JMO.If you want to read about this test for yourself just search-Ozonics . On that page there is a hunters forum and in there you can read about this test they did with the dogs
I used to smoke and had many hunters scoff at me for diminishing chances by being around them.
I have had 3 seperate whitetail bucks within 1-3 feet of me while smoking. One hunter witnessed this in complete disbelief. Being pinned down like that stretches time.
The fact that it was in Field & Stream tells me it was probably funded, conducted and edited by the scent control maker, which means I don't believe any of it anyway