Idaho Predator Hunters - Contact Your Representatives This Week


Idaho Varmint Hunters just posted up the following:

Quote:There are 15 Anti groups that are going to be in Boise this weekend, to talk to Idaho Legislators about stopping Coyote Contests, Wolf Hunting and BLM Cattle Grazing.

We hunters and outdoors men and women, need to contact our State Reps and Legislators about not accepting what the anti's are saying. We have a right to hunt, fish and trap, without interference from anyone, including the antis.

You can find your Idaho Representatives and Senators at Google. Find their contact info, so you can phone them, email, or send a written letter to them.

New Mexico had a bill to stop coyote calling contest introduced. The State Legislators tabled the bill permanently. The anti's are trying to introduce bills in Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, and Arizona.

Contact your Legislators and stop the Antis in their tracks.

Read more:

Idaho House Members Information and Contacts

Idaho Senate Members Information and Contacts

As a side note from someone who has been through this. They will not stop with predator contests. This is a foot in the door to start chipping away at every type of hunting, fishing, or animal use in the state. They will choose issues where even hunters are divided, in order to push the agenda through with little push-back from the big game hunters (ie: predator hunts, trapping, varmint hunts, etc).

You will be called names, you will be told your love of hunting a certain type of animal is "barbaric" and "bloodthirsty". Your responses to their arguments will be met with comments that you are "unreasonable" and "disrespectful" of wildlife.

They work on emotions, mixed with a little bit of "facts" (typically generated by their in-house biologists). They will pretend to know the predator like no one else, even hunters and ranchers.

My recommendation is to contact the Idaho Cattle Association, the Idaho Wool Growers any other groups where predators are a hit on their wallets.

It goes without saying, you should try to involve the major big game hunting organizations, but I also recommend another approach. We all know people who have lost pets, or even domesticated livestock that are considered pets, to predators. These are the folks who live in the outskirts of towns, whose animals have been targeted by predators. These are the people you need to get involved. One woman, discussing how she watched in horror as her small dog was carried off screaming by a coyote, while they could do nothing, will be far more effective at winning the other side of this fight, which revolves around emotions.

Good luck and I will post this around.

Eric A. Mayer
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THanks for sharing this and I don't live in Idaho, but am more than happy to send them a note, thank you for posting the links.

Wow.. Idaho has a lot of politicians at the state level.

There are a lot of Republicans in the State leg and sen.
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I just fixed some of the links as well. Arizona is going to see this as well, so we all need to work together. It is appreciated!

Eric (from California)
Fortunately, this will go nowhere. Trapping and hunting as a right are written into our state constitution. In the last election, some dem fool named AJ Balukoff ( he sits on the Boise School District Board) dumped two million of his own money trying to unseat the Republican governor. He even had some help because other conservatives were siphoning votes from the governor. Even with the division in conservative votes, and a democrat who really isn't all that liberal, Otter STILL comfortably won. That doesn't mean we can rest on our laurels. As my good friend, Gary at IVH or one of his friends pointed out, we can never let down our guard against these disgusting hippie piles of human garbage.