Kinda Like Trey Gowdy, As Well


Staff member


Don’t Go Up Into Trey Gowdy’s Congress with Any of Those Weak-[beeep] Racism Accusations

By Michael Hausam (24 hours ago) | Editor's Choice, Politics

When you go into Trey Gowdy’s judicial hearing and make weak-[beeep] racism charges, you get humiliated in front of six half-asleep viewer on CSPAN.

But when you get owned by Trey Gowdy on CSPAN, video of it eventually gets out.

After that video gets out, it gets picked up by certain news websites that make [beeep] comments about it and help the story go viral.

When everyone sees video of you getting humiliated on CSPAN by Trey Gowdy, including your dad, step-mother Julia and the family cat Sprinkles, you get shunned.

Once you’re shunned, you wind up getting kicked out of political office and have to hit the road performing as a sad clown in a traveling circus.

Don’t wind up a sad clown performing in a traveling circus.

Stop making weak-[beeep] racism charges.[beeep]-racism-charges-get-owned-front-six-viewers-cspan/?utm_source=dailynewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=%7BCAMPAIGN_ID%7D&listID=%7BlistID%7D
