Thinking about shockwave

SHocKWAve is a great caller.

If it's windy all the time you might want to look at a CS24C. Same price but more volume for the wind. I have both and like the SHOckwaVE the best but use the CS24C when the wind is above 10-15mph. You can also attach a FoxJack to a Sh0cKWavE and use it without the remote. You can't do either of those with the CS24C. They both have the TX1000 remote but hands down the CS24C produces more volume than a SHockWaVe but the ShockWAve has better clarity IMO.
It's a great caller. It is a bit bigger & heavier than the Fury/Fusion style calls, but it sounds great.
The Shockwave will have all the volume you need the biggest part of the time. If you ever feel you need more volume, hook up an external TOA speaker and you are good to go.
My new Fusion, Foxjack and TOA speaker came today. Now I am waiting for my Yoters Den custom bag to be delivered saturday. I had April make something she has never done before. Should make for an awesome setup!!!
Yoters Den made a bag for my Fury-FoxJack-SP55 speaker combo. Quality way to protect your caller and keep everything in one place.

I left it in my truck bed accidentally and took it thru a high pressure car wash. The Yoters Den Deployment bag kept all the contents perfectly dry. Rain will do nothing to your caller if you happen to get caught in a down pour.

We share your excitement and Happy Hunting to you.