Small 4 point buck down


Active member
I walk the corn field edges at first light. After going 300-400 hundred yds and 1.5 hrs I managed to bump one deer less than 25 yds away. It spotted me before I spotted it and it took off…
Continue still hunting; I make my way to an adjacent bean field only to find two deer feeding about 300 yds away. I watch them for a minute and anticipate the travel route will lead them to a funnel area. I turn back into the corn field and rush 200 yds through the corn to the funnel area I know well. I setup and wait, 30 seconds go by and those two deer which turn out to be small 4 point bucks emerge. (They must be twins-identical 4 pointers)

They are making their way right to me walking right along the edge, I start marking their yardage in my head, 40 yds, 30 yds, 20 yds, (okay anytime now) 10 yds (okay use the 10 yd pin) following him through my scope I let him get right next to me, (it all happened so fast) my crosshairs find an opening through the grass and with my 10 yd marker on him, take the shot. I notice him jump up and run about 25 ft. He now stands there just to my left in the bush.... The other little buck in the field just stands at attention about 10 yds away(wondering what is going on).....
From past experience I know not to move or make any sound at all because if I do those deer will run and I may have a long tracking job. I start counting in my head and get to 15 and the buck in the field starts snorting causing my deer to my left to take off (or at least I thought it did).... The buck in the field now takes off too. I wait 10 minutes and decide to go out and look for my arrow, I walk in the bean field about 10 yds to look for blood and don't find any, start walking back to my shot location and find blood about 4 yds from where I was kneeling, it turns out the deer was a lot closer to me than I thought... I turn and take a few step in the direction the deer was last seen and there he is dead, less than 10 yds away and about 2 yds in the bush.
I guess the noise I heard was him falling over, not running away... No tracking needed for this one.....

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