Land Use Changes and Calling Stand Productivity


New member
I wanted to get some input on people’s experiences about how land use changes have impacted a productive calling stand. The types of land use changes that I am thinking of include: pastures and farmland that is converted to housing, crop rotations, farmers that have quit farming and no longer have livestock. Feel free to add any other type of land use change that you may have experienced.

Some of these areas still offer calling opportunities on adjacent properties or other nearby locations. My question is, has the productivity of the stand increased or decreased? Is the presence of livestock or a particular type of crop a key factor for holding coyotes in the area? Does the productivity level of the stand depend on a certain element in the environment? Maybe is some years the stand is worth hunting if certain elements exist while in other years it is not hunted due to the change in land use.

I will start by posting this question in the eastern calling forum. Depending on the responses, I may post this question in the general coyote calling forum as well to get the western hunters perspective.

Thanks for your input.