Never fear, AG Holder will be there shortly and assure all that justice will prevail.......well, maybe not, he's pretty busy right now. After all, he just got back to DC after fixing Ferguson and is busy preparing an appeal to the judgment requiring him to turn over documents he has suppressed in the Fast & Furious investigation. First things first, ya know.


Holder, Shaprton, Jackson, Juan BUCK TOOTHED Wiiliams and the Obama family will be along shortly to defend the Other Than White Cop!!

I am starting to hold my breath.......1, 2 3................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Gee... the media would never suppress such a story, why that would be discriminatory, that would be racist on their part, that would be misleading, that would simply be wrong. They wouldn't do that!

I just e-mailed it to everybody in my in-box, tell everyone you know!! If the media won't report it, we do have the option of seeing to it that the world knows, and that the world knows the media is covering it up.