You Have 'Near-Zero' Impact On U.S. Policy


New member
If this is true and I strongly suspect it is, it appears that democracy is an illusion. We've been duped by both sides of the aisle. This hits home for me in that I had a lengthy discussion with a friend recently about this very topic. He and his family immigrated here (legally) from Nigeria about 5 yrs ago. Although Nigeria is a federal republic, growing up on the African continent, and spending years in upper government positions, he is very familiar with various democracies, flawed democracies, republics and monarchies. His contention was the end result is that there is really not a lot of difference in the lives of the average citizen regardless of the form of government. This enlightening article backs up his contention that democracy is an illusion.

August 12, 2014, 06:00 am
Who rules America?

By Allan J. Lichtman, contributor

"The public be damned!"
— William H. Vanderbilt, railroad magnate, 1882

A shattering new study by two political science professors has found that ordinary Americans have virtually no impact whatsoever on the making of national policy in our country. The analysts found that rich individuals and business-controlled interest groups largely shape policy outcomes in the United States.

This study should be a loud wake-up call to the vast majority of Americans who are bypassed by their government. To reclaim the promise of American democracy, ordinary citizens must act positively to change the relationship between the people and our government
The new study, with the jaw-clenching title of "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens," is forthcoming in the fall 2014 edition of Perspectives on Politics. Its authors, Martin Gilens of Princeton University and Benjamin Page of Northwestern University, examined survey data on 1,779 national policy issues for which they could gauge the preferences of average citizens, economic elites, mass-based interest groups and business-dominated interest groups. They used statistical methods to determine the influence of each of these four groups on policy outcomes, including both policies that are adopted and rejected.

The analysts found that when controlling for the power of economic elites and organized interest groups, the influence of ordinary Americans registers at a "non-significant, near-zero level." The analysts further discovered that rich individuals and business-dominated interest groups dominate the policymaking process. The mass-based interest groups had minimal influence compared to the business-based interest groups.

The study also debunks the notion that the policy preferences of business and the rich reflect the views of common citizens. They found to the contrary that such preferences often sharply diverge and when they do, the economic elites and business interests almost always win and the ordinary Americans lose.

The authors also say that given limitations to tapping into the full power elite in America and their policy preferences, "the real world impact of elites upon public policy may be still greater" than their findings indicate.

Ultimately, Gilens and Page conclude from their work, "economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence."

Rich individuals and business interests have the capacity to hire the lobbyists that shadow legislators in Washington and to fill the campaign coffers of political candidates. Ordinary citizens are themselves partly to blame, however, because they do not choose to vote.

America's turnout rate places us near the bottom of industrialized democracies. More than 90 million eligible Americans did not vote in the presidential election of 2012 and more than 120 million did not vote in the midterm elections of 2010.

Electoral turnout in the United States is highly correlated with economic standing: The more affluent Americans vote in much higher proportion than the less affluent. A study by Ellen Shearer of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern found that 59 percent of 2012 voters earned $50,000 or more per year, compared to 39 percent of non-voters. Only 12 percent of non-voters earned more than $75,000, compared to 31 percent of voters.

Ordinary citizens in recent decades have largely abandoned their participation in grassroots movements. Politicians respond to the mass mobilization of everyday Americans as proven by the civil rights and women's movements of the 1960s and 1970s. But no comparable movements exist today. Without a substantial presence on the ground, people-oriented interest groups cannot compete against their wealthy adversaries.

Average Americans also have failed to deploy the political techniques used by elites. Political Action Committees (PACs) and super-PACs, for example, raise large sums of money to sway the outcome of any election in the United States. Although average Americans cannot match the economic power of the rich, large numbers of modest contributions can still finance PACs and super-PACs that advance our common interests.

If only they vote and organize, ordinary Americans can reclaim American democracy and challenge the politicians who still echo the view of old Vanderbilt that the public should be damned.
Uhmmmm... Yes and No. If the average American wakes up, and raises he11, we can and often do have an impact on policy making. Take for instance the attack on Second Amendment rights a year ago. The people faired reasonably well in that one, even when the elite/wealthy tried their dammedest to impose their will upon us. The problem is, we are all to complacent in the day to day happenings of our government.
Originally Posted By: tnshootistThey have an advantage on us,they push this crap while we are at work.

Actually the advantage is that they have a paid staff to review, analyze, and explain each piece of legislation to them, then research how it might impact their constituents, tell them how many people they are going to piss off if they vote a certain way, and collect the checks from the lobbyists to secure their vote in the matter to the benefit of the party/industry lobbying, and damm the constituents.

Whereas, there simply are not enough hours in the day to read and analyze all of the crap they come up with, let alone read and analyze it, type up e-mails, and hold down a job so you can afford the $2000 electric bill you are about to have, the $3000 a month in groceries, and the cardboard box we're all going to be left to live in when the dumbasses are done!
