NEW Shotgun Pattern Test Results - Detail & Pic' heavy...


Do your recommend the .670 for really any shotgun?

I have a Benelli SBEII and a Remington 870 Express. I'd like to buy one choke for each an be done.
No - Twelve gauge bore diameters are all over the place depending upon manufacturer and model and run from the small Italian bores (.723”) to the overly large over bored Mossberg (.775”). Bore size counts and must be factored in to get an accurate amount of constriction. I’ve found something between .050” - .060” of constriction to be about right with plated lead shot of BB size, plated lead No. Four Buck, and tungsten shot up to T-size pellets. Your Benelli has a .735" bore and the Remington a .729" - .730" bore.
Originally Posted By: coues7
I'd like to buy one choke for each an be done.
Good luck with that.
Picked up a patternmaster annacinda mid range choke for my 21" Benelli M2 and hit the range.
This is my best choke i have tried yet with fed 4 buck 3" loads
Putting 9-12 pellets in a paper plate at 40 yards every time!
I then switched to the hornady magnum coyote bb load and it still pounded paper (10-14 hits).
Think im gonna stick with this choke for now and the price was $50 if i recall for the choke.
Picked up a new Remington express tactical with ghost sights a couple weeks ago. Plan on using it for home defense and a little coyote/turkey hunting. It has an 18.5" barrel.

I went out Sunday to test some chokes and 4buck loads for patterns at 40 yards.

Ammo used was Remington 3" 4buckshot and Rio Royal 2-3/4" 4 buckshot.

I used the following chokes: carlson full (.700"), factory full (.695), factory turkey x full (.685), and undertaker (.675).

Below are number of hits on a 8" round plate at 40 yards.

Rio Royal 2-3/4" 4 buck:
Carlson = 4
Full = 1
Turkey = 3
Undertaker = 1

Remington 3" 4 buck:
Carlson =7
Full = 7
Turkey = 8
Undertaker = 4

There were 20mph winds blowing in all directions, so I wasn't terribly surprised with these results. Based on these results, I've still got some work to do to find a great combo, but I do plan on re-performing this exercise with less wind factor. I'm not sure the exact pellet count in the Rio rounds but imagine it is much less than the 3" Remington, which has 41. Think I might also try some hornady heavy magnum bb loads, as well as hornady varmint express 4 buck. Any suggestions or comments?
Deep clean your barrel and choose a good day before your next outing. The cleaning will help and ammo and time is too expensive to allow an external factor like a windy day to influence your results. Consistency is important in this phase of your patterning project. Also don't judge a load from the results of just one shot, three to five shots gives a better average to consider. Make sure you also consider point of impact and point of aim unless you plan on adjusting sights or bolting on glass optics of some sort. Kentucky Windage sucks for field shooting.
Jeremy, thanks for posting your results. You said "I'm not sure the exact pellet count in the Rio rounds"

Most 12ga 2 3/4" #4 buck has 27 pellets where most 12ga 3" #4 buck has 41 pellets.
Originally Posted By: Rich CronkOriginally Posted By: CrazyHorse66Originally Posted By: GCI ain't buying it... I shot the heII out of that load in testing and it didn't perform anything like that.

Get those high dollar chokes out of the tube and use a modified or improved cylinder.

I am still rather confused. I will watch the video again but I don't think the tester mentioned which choke he was using. Even if the load actually performs that well, I am not convinced that it would be a good coyote load. Why? A pattern the size of a grapefruit would require very precise aiming, and a coyote that stands still long enough to make the shot. May as well carry a rifle I think.

If you read down a ways in the comments he says no choke.
FWIW I picked up a few of the low cost buckshot loads when they were on sale to see how they compared.They didn't do to well.Loads were Rio's 4 and OO and Estates 4 all 2 3/4".All of the same size shot/shell lengths from Fed Rem and Win did considerably better.I'll carry those cheapo loads for up close finisher shots but I wont buy them again even for that.
I tried the a box of hornady # 4 varmint express titewads. Says on the box improved or modified So I used a carlsons improved modified choke. Wasn't happy with this at 40 yards, circle was a coffee can lid.

I then used my Carlson turkey choke.665 at 40 yards. The circle is a coffee can lid. I felt I pulled the the shot but I got this.
Not bad but I'm confused about the whole wad thing needing a modified choke.

Cabelas sells a 12ga. 2 3/4 inch Herters load that is named extreme 65 in 2,4 and 5 shot. the product description says they shoot like a slug at 60 yds. They do not recommend what choke is best. Nobody has reviewed these shells on their website as of yet. I highly doubt they live up to their claims, but I'm curious. If they have already been discussed in this thread I apologize for asking . I have not read every page yet. I will probably get some with my next order, they are currently on sale 19.99 for a box of 10. thanks for all the info. here guys. Years ago I spent too much money testing a bunch of different loads and chokes trying to find that magic turkey killing combo in my 870 super mag.
Originally Posted By: coues7GC,

Do your recommend the .670 for really any shotgun?

I have a Benelli SBEII and a Remington 870 Express. I'd like to buy one choke for each an be done.

Give William at Sumtoy chokes a call. He'll work with you on a choke for what gun you have, what shell you want to shoot and how you want your pattern to look. He's like a shotgun patterning genius.

And when you get the choke, and you don't like something about it, he'll swap it out with another constriction until you get what you want.

Doesn't get any better than that, that's how you buy just one choke and be done with it. All my shotguns are wearing Sumtoy chokes now.

I am shooting the same choke for turkey loads and #4 buck in my 835. 200 in the 10" at 40 yards with hevi 6 and 20-25 #4 Buck in the 10" at 40 yards. The 20" circle is nice and even also. One of the best investments I've made and they're not too expensive at all.
I have 15 different plus chokes I've tried out of my beretta. I've worked up and down with the kicks...and yes the 670 patterns the best with my federal BB loads and remington HD BB. Fifty yards and I get 6 to nine pellets in a 6" circle
I know this isn't a predator load, but has anyone tried the new long beard xr from winchester? Got a box last night and gonna try to do some patterning later this week when it warms up.
The word I hear is that is one of the best patterning lead loads available. Winchester has always had excellent lead pellet turkey loads.