N.M. Callers


New member

HOUSE BILL 316 and HB 579

House bill 316 titled “no animal killing contests” has passed the committee and is going for a vote if new Mexico callers don’t get motivated and start opposing the bill show up at the vote call your legislatures or do something! you WILL LOSE your rights this bill affects more than calling competitions trappers are fighting this bill and HB 579 “wildlife protection and public safety act” please do your part and oppose both bills

Bill details below click link to read

Committee report passed 9 to 6
Bill substitute for 316

Fiscal impact report

House bill 579 this will affect callers to or anyone who wishes to trap or sale raw fur in the state


Get off your butts and do something call the legislature and oppose both bills before you lose your rights and the rights of others if we stand together we will be okay

1. Here is a list of the representatives on the committee that is overseeing HB316 and HB579 please contact them and respectively let them know how you feel about these bills.

Representative Gail Chasey - (D) Chair
capital phone # (505) 986-4412
office phone # (505) 246-2221
Home # (505) 266-5191
email gail@gailchasey.com

Representative Georgene Louis - (D) Vice Chair
capital phone # (505) 986-44...

Prepresentitive contact information below! Please oppose 316 and 579!!

I'm always shocked at the stupidity of some of these bills that are introduced. Thank God most don't get out of committee!

Come on NM sportsmen, this one is so lame that it should easily be defeated. Make the call!