Beaver spiked on me!! LOL


New member
Went to Beavers. He run a couple sections with his truck, No body home. He took Spider and Sandy from me and took them back to a fence row that was all chisled. I am waiting at the end of the ditch. wasnt 2 mins and all heck breaks loose. I can see on the garmin that they are coming right at me.
30 secons later that coyote pops out of the ditch heading East !! I pull the rope and the stags are on the ground. IOt was a decent turn out but it was hard frozen chisled ground!! (Vary Hard on Feet) Heck it was 14 degrees. I watched the coyote swing twords the road. I hate it when they cross the roads cause I have seen the stags really wreack at the ditches!! head over heals.
Well they made the road in good shape but was starting to loose ground. Only one dog was really staying with the coyote and that was Betty. Heck she just fought her first coyote the day before. She stayed with the coyote by her self for abother 1/4 and then came back!! Got all dogs loaded with bloody feet!! Not good first thing in the mourning.Next section Beavers boy is running and a coyote pops out running along side the road!!
I am getting ready to send them and Beaver is between me and the coyote spiking his stags in front of mine!! ha Ha Yea you read right!! he spiked on me!! LOL His dogs caught the coyote 50 ft in front of mine!!
Least mine got to do a little chewing!!


Sent the hounds up another ditch and wasnt long things heated up. Game on again!! Both Spider and Sandy was screaming. Out pops the coyote and Beaver gives it a reason to run!!
His stags caught but but had a time with it. A big dog coyote.


The red shag pup on the right turns a year old in the middle of march!! Tomcat raised that pup out of Danny!!
I think Beaver has a nice young dog there!!

We sent the hounds down a ditch and was watching the garmin and showed they were bayed up. I am thinking you dang coon dogs!! I drive as close as I can and walk in and find them with thier heads stuck in a hole!! 95 % sure they had a coon in there.
I get Sandy caught up and Spider starts acting like he is going to run a track!! About then Ben says he has 2 spotted
By the time I got back out to the road they were on land that we didnt have permission on!! So I head back looking for Spider.
I get back in that timber and ditch where they had thier heads on a hole and Spider is 600 yds from me. I dont hear any barking so I head after him wityh the Terriers.
I get 1/2 way there and thought I heard him barking in the creek. Getting real close and he yelps like a little girl and I think he has a coon in the creek!! I see Missy (Terrier) take off 50 mph to his aid. Just as Missy gets to him I see the coyote face to face with spider, Missy dont miss a step and she is hanging on the coyotes face!! I think of sh-t. Now the coyote has a reason to run!! LOL This was one of the neatest coyotes I have seen. real dark omost black but looked kinda calico color!! Now the coyote in running and Missy is right after it with Spider.
Missy is the black little dog in the above pic.
20 mins later she comes back. 1/2 mile walk back to the truck
I find Spider a mile West still running the track but not real good!!
we run a couple more spots!! Beaver saves the honey hole for last!! Cant use hounds here cause I can see I-80 a 1/4 mile away!!
Ben pulls in and out pops a coyote. I am sitting way up on a hill and watchit hoping its going to keep coming. Well it turned so I get after it Ben has 2 more coyotes in front of his truck!! LOL
I get down the hill where the dogs can see ot and pull the rope. Its a good turn out but wide open. Jinxs comes out limping. her feet are gone!! so the only dogs running it Jag and Betty (both first year) and Libby. which Libby aint a hard fighter!!
Looked like Betty caught the coyote. It was a good race. They had it down for a bit and then got up on them. The coyote jumped a fence and run right into Beaver!! He droped the door and the coyote made it in the creek with only one dog . It crossed the road and his one dog nocked the coyote down twice but couldnt hold it by him self!!
Dogs are shot so time to head for the barn!!

Here are my main 2 hounds that I use.
Boths hounds made the catch.




They are 1/2 brother and 1/2 sister.
they are out of my hound that I called Rhino

Holy Smokes, you had a heck of a day. It was blowing snow sideways here today so I stayed home.

Anyone who has ever run stags after coyotes will see the scene playing out in their head while reading your stories.

Thanks for the post.